As a developer, I want to create a possible architecture for running our application on the cloud, so that we can discuss the possibility of utilizing a cloud platform.
Associated Epic:
Definition of Done
[ ] Acceptance criteria defined
[ ] Solution tasks specified
[ ] Feature branch created
[ ] Unit tests written
[ ] Solution is code complete, i.e. passes full suite of unit tests
[ ] Design documents updated if needed
[ ] Pull request created
[ ] Code is reviewed
[ ] Code is merged to dev branch
[ ] Acceptance criteria is met
[ ] Feature branch merged into master
[ ] Feature branch deleted
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] Following completion of #18
[ ] Based off of our domain model, create an architecture utilizing AWS tools and services
Create possible Cloud architecture
As a developer, I want to create a possible architecture for running our application on the cloud, so that we can discuss the possibility of utilizing a cloud platform.
Associated Epic:
Definition of Done
branchAcceptance Criteria