The-Triumvirate / Imperium-Universalis
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Colonialism CB causes a CTD whenever I click on "Declare War" against a nation I have it against #392

Closed NicholasBright closed 1 year ago

NicholasBright commented 1 year ago

I clicked the "Declare War" button on Tartessos and it crashed my game. The specific screen is the CB selection screen before you actually declare on them.

I was able to view the screen before, but what changed is that I now have the Colonialism CB against them. I tested this by using the console to have them annex Bastetania who I just vassalized diplomatically. Vassalizing them gave me the CB, and once I had Tartessos annex them it resolved the issue.

I also verified this by checking if I had another Colonialism CB which I did against Tyragetae, who also crashes when I open the Declare War screen.

I am dubious that is would help, but here is a screenshot:


NicholasBright commented 1 year ago

I am dumb, I didn't check closed issues first