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Display Multiple Auth Users #6

Closed silenteyesoncode closed 1 year ago

silenteyesoncode commented 1 year ago

Description πŸš€

We want to display multiple user in a our expo App who authenticate

Files 🚨

A list of relevant files for this issue. This will help people navigate the project and offer some clues of where to start.

To Reproduce βœ…

We provide steps for displaying multiple users in an Expo app using Firebase. These steps involve creating a Firestore database, defining a data model for the users collection, initializing the Firebase app, querying the database, and displaying the user data in a suitable UI component.


  1. Define the data model for the users collection in Firestore, which should include fields such as name, email, profile picture URL, etc.
  2. Create a Firebase configuration file for your Expo app, and import the necessary Firebase modules (such as firebase/firestore) in your code.
  3. Initialize the Firebase app using the configuration file and obtain a reference to the Firestore database.
  4. Use the Firestore API to query the users collection and retrieve the data for all users.
  5. Display the user data in your Expo app using a suitable UI component such as FlatList, ScrollView, or SectionList.
  6. Optionally, implement any necessary filtering, sorting, or pagination logic based on user input.