The-Virtual-Desktop-Team / Virtual-Desktop-Optimization-Tool

The script and configuration files in this repository provide an easy method to customize and apply performance related settings to virtual desktop environments.
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Feature Request: Desired State Configuration #66

Closed nbucking closed 3 years ago

nbucking commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to create a DSC version of the tool? It seems like deploying via DSC would help with our personal VDI (persistent VDIs) to prevent skew.

tmmuessig commented 3 years ago

We have talked about this in the past, and will consider it for future implementation, but at the moment there are no immediate plans to turn this into a DSC version.

KenBenjamin commented 3 years ago

Here's what I'm doing for DSC. Note the Test-Resource is just enough to keep it from running multiple times and shouldn't conflict with my PowerSTIG DSC (there's some overlap of settings). Please @ mention me if you build a more robust Test-Resource:

configuration "WVDHostPooledW10"
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName ComputerManagementDsc
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName FileDownloadDSC
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDscResources

    Node "localhost"
        # WVD Optimization Tool -
        FileDownload "WVDOptimizer" 
            FileName = "C:\Packages\"
            Url = "" 

        Archive "ExtractWVDOptimizer"
            Path = "C:\Packages\"
            Destination = "c:\Packages\"
            DependsOn = "[FileDownload]WVDOptimizer"

        Script "OptimizeWVD" {
            SetScript = {
                Set-Location -Path "C:\Packages\Virtual-Desktop-Optimization-Tool-main\"
                $ExecPolicy = Get-ExecutionPolicy
                Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
                Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy $ExecPolicy
                $global:DSCMachineStatus = 1 # Require reboot

            GetScript = { 
                return @{'Return'=''}

            TestScript = {
                    return ( (Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DWM" -Name "DisallowAnimations" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq  1)
                } catch {
                    return $false
            DependsOn = "[Archive]ExtractWVDOptimizer"

        PendingReboot "RebootAfterOptimize"
           Name = "RebootAfterOptimize" 
nbucking commented 3 years ago


This will help with a deployment via our pull server thanks! Although we will have to take out the download portion since we are not able to get out to the internet (air gap to the DSC pull server). I was thinking more along the lines of creating resources that could do the same thing but this is a good short term solution.

sandude-ms commented 3 years ago

Hello @KenBenjamin . We have added this item to our backlog, and will be looking to work on this in the near future. Thank you for your contribution. We will certainly @ mention you if we update code based on your feedback.