The-WebOps-Club / fest-api

An API implementation for Saarang Shaastra like fests, including ERP and Mainsite and Mobile interface
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Markdown - better and easier #58

Closed AbdealiLoKo closed 10 years ago

AbdealiLoKo commented 10 years ago

Making markdown better is one important thing.

I removed the older django-markdown-deux library and used a wrapper for Subdown called misaka which is similar to git's markdown.

But it doesn't have video embedding and image showing. Need to do that by writing own libraries

AbdealiLoKo commented 10 years ago

Added video previews from youtube. Added Link shortening and autolinking in python

AbdealiLoKo commented 10 years ago

Need to add tagging profile with markdown

AbdealiLoKo commented 10 years ago

testing git emoji :

:+1: :smile: :smile_cat:

AbdealiLoKo commented 10 years ago

Still need to make a dynamic regex based parser for users.

AbdealiLoKo commented 10 years ago

Made awesome buttons to generate markdowns for links and stuff. But it looks ugly :(

AbdealiLoKo commented 10 years ago

next features : Button to tag a person, dept, etc... Change the markdown for a person, wall, etc based on current doc markdown. (it's better.)

AbdealiLoKo commented 10 years ago

Markdown change - done

Current tasks before closing this issue : Adding a button for it. Adding a reges parses to find them to add them to notif_users

AbdealiLoKo commented 10 years ago

OK, done all major tasks