The-WebOps-Club / fest-api

An API implementation for Saarang Shaastra like fests, including ERP and Mainsite and Mobile interface
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Configurations and URLs #8

Closed AbdealiLoKo closed 10 years ago

AbdealiLoKo commented 10 years ago

Hey, so i noticed you put the urls of user in another file. I prefer to put it inside the file in the configs itself. Reason : easier to search for a particular url ... rather than finding file + line, finding only line is easier. Reason why django recommends having it in a app : An app is supposed to be modular, and making packages is easier if u have a file for the app alone. The apps we are making are all linked. as in eall will be linked to user. User has an app. Event is related to wall and user. So, sometimes u may have a clash as to where the url can be, and as it grows, it will get complicated.

So, question : which do you wanna do ?

shahidhk commented 10 years ago

Okay, we will go with one urls file then