The-Wineskin-Project / WineskinServer

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
2.47k stars 169 forks source link

Please publish the sources! #593

Closed DirkMausF closed 1 month ago

DirkMausF commented 2 months ago

Hello Dean,

since many years you resist to publish the sources to this project, even if this is an obligation of the underlying GPL/LGPL licence . This is an Open Source project.

I often wanted to check out some errors in WineskinServer and can't because there is no compilable code. Why? Is there any reason for this? Can you explain, why the LGPL don't force you to do that?

You see, the problem with you project is: It consists of many other projects all published as GPL, LGPL or other licences. You can't just use them for a closed source project and keep it for yourself.

Please open up the project like all the other projects did before that were branched by you.

So, please publish the sources.

Greetings, Dirk

callumgare commented 1 month ago

While I don't agree with the tone at all (thanks for spending your free time developing and maintaining such a useful app!) I also would love to see the source code published. Both because I'd love hack around with it myself and also because DirkMausF is right in that there is likely a legal obligation to do so.

Again appreciate all your hard work!

DirkMausF commented 1 month ago

Thank you, callumgare, for reminding me to thank Dean for his tireless contribution to WineSkinServer and the associated projects. Thank you Dean!

Please let me clarify an important point: This isn't Dean's project. He is a contributor, like me. Be clear about, that he forked a GPL'ed project to which many people has contributed. Not only him.

But 6 years ago Dean has suddenly hidden the main parts (Engines/Winery/Wrapper) of this project by simply changing the former 'public' repos to 'private'. Since then, no more source.

Dean, you have changed the way WineSkinServer works and it is incompatible to older versions now. You released binaries without sources. Nobody can check what's in the binaries and what's installed by WineSkin anymore.

This way of redistribute WineSkinServer not only contradicts the Open Source idea, it is simply prohibited by the underlying license.

The GPL license: Copying and distributing copies of any portion of the program must also make the human-readable source code available under the same licensing terms.

"The fourth section for version 2 of the license and the seventh section of version 3 require that programs distributed as pre-compiled binaries be accompanied by a copy of the source code..." (Wikipedia)

I'm sure, that the project will be more useful to everyone and will evolve much faster when everyone can contribute to it... or search for bugs in the sources.

So Dean, please change the 3 associated 'private' repos to 'public' again. I guess the sources are already in GitHub, since the latest changes are a week ago. This should not be much of a work for you.

Thanks again, Dirk

Gcenx commented 1 month ago

@DirkMausF I hadn't actually hidden the sources they where being pushed to and it's linked in the readme (not point to that branch though)

I'd had a major drive crash on my old Intel Mac (think I'd even made an issue before this) and unfortunately didn't have a recent backup, I'd been slowly working to mostly restore the project to the point it was at including the recent alterations that included fixes, with help from @vitor251093 we've mostly restored the Objective_C version of the project.

The current sources have been pushed to, there still a mess but they've been provided just without git history as nobody needs to see fixed dep etc.

As for all your comments I won't respond to each one considering there tone, I just hope that others actually contribute something to the project this time.