The-Zeitgeist-Movement / A3P

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The font which will be used for the branding of the asset name. #7

Open Mistahd33 opened 2 years ago

Mistahd33 commented 2 years ago

To keep branding consistent, the font for the name of the asset should be established, agreed upon and recorded somewhere.

This needs to be established BEFORE branding can be inserted into hand drawn whiteboard promo material, etc. This is because anything added AFTER the introduction of said branding in any whiteboard animations will need to be re-animated manually.

It can however be given a placeholder which can be easily replaced on websites and other code based material.

Establish final asset:

Mistahd33 commented 2 years ago

Can't seem to figure out how to assign myself to this... or anyone for that matter. :/

shaunmac commented 2 years ago

Can't seem to figure out how to assign myself to this... or anyone for that matter. :/

You don't have permissions yet. As this is a Project managers job, which will happen in sprint 1 planning. You did the right thing here tho: you flagged a problem. Nice work.

shaunmac commented 2 years ago


Due to the fact that @HARAKAT15 could only get "A3P" with the extension .crypto. We are called from now on A3P.

shaunmac commented 2 years ago

Proposal for style guide