Open barolo opened 4 years ago
I tested these same configurations but didn't worked properly without modifications. Here's my config if anyone with similar specs want to try: CPU: 3th Gen Intel Ivybridge, GPU: Intel Ivybridge (Gen 7) Integrated Graphics
local ffmpeg_command = {
--"-loglevel", "quiet",
"-ss", format_time(timestamp, ":"),
"-hwaccel", "vaapi",
"-i", file_path,
"-frames:v", "1",
"-vf", ("scale_vaapi=%d:%d,scale_vaapi=format=rgb32,hwdownload,format=nv12"):format(size.w, size.h),
"-c:v", "rawvideo",
"-pix_fmt", "bgra",
"-f", "rawvideo",
"-y", output_path
Works like a charm.
I've been experimenting with hw accelerated ffmpeg thumbnailer via changing ffmpeg command to: