TheAkki / Synctool

Syncronize between Smartphone and Server
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
48 stars 13 forks source link

Projektlogo #12

Open TheAkki opened 6 years ago

TheAkki commented 6 years ago

Actual there is using the standard logo from android studio. It looks nice. But i need a more individual one.

TheAkki commented 6 years ago
jancborchardt commented 6 years ago

Feel free to submit a job at the Open Source Design job board :)

(Btw, I guess your app is also compatible with Nextcloud / WebDAV? :)

theScrabi commented 6 years ago

@TheAkki you can use AssetStudio to create a logo for your app. It's simple, and it already creates a file for every screen size, so you only need to drag and drop it in your /res folder.

TheAkki commented 6 years ago

@jancborchardt: Thanks you for the link. I didn't know it. Yes, it should be compatible with Nextcloud. But actually a can't test because i didn't have a server with it. So, the test is not the highest priority.

@theScrabi: Thanks, but i don't thinks that i have problems with tools. I think the biggest problem are my graphic kreative skills.