TheAlgorithms / Java

All Algorithms implemented in Java
MIT License
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Add more algorithms #96

Closed AnupKumarPanwar closed 6 years ago

AnupKumarPanwar commented 6 years ago

This repo has less contributions. Please add more algorithms.

See the structure and README of this repo for reference

dhinske commented 6 years ago

would you be interested in some Set-implementations or maybe Bag? didnt see it in your repo :)

dpunosevac commented 6 years ago

I would like to contribute it. I see that you have no shell sort algorithm for Java. I would take that one first. Than later I would continue with few mores, if that is ok.

mpokryva commented 6 years ago

Would you be interested in a level-order tree traversal?

dynamitechetan commented 6 years ago

Thanks. @mpokryva

mpokryva commented 6 years ago

Ok, I will take that then. Or, if you want, @dpunosevac , you can do that, and I can do some bit algorithms, as I don't see any of those.

dpunosevac commented 6 years ago

@mpokryva I mistakenly thought you were talking to me. And not asking for yourself. Anyway, you can grab that one, and I hope that @dynamitechetan needs shellsort, so I do that one.

mpokryva commented 6 years ago

Ok, sounds good! Sorry for the misunderstanding :)

varunu28 commented 6 years ago

@dynamitechetan @AnupKumarPanwar Would be continue to add more algorithms to this as a part of hacktoberfest PRs would be maily in Data Structures and other domain

rei2hu commented 6 years ago

Please look over pull requests before merging because I noticed the most recent one won't even compile properly and I'm assuming that a lot of people will make PRs soon because of Hacktoberfest (myself included). For example, in PR #101 there are many errors.

Can't compile because there is no type for len_a and len_b Can't compile because calculate_distance is a non-static method One of the loops will go on forever because it's declared as for(int j = 0; i < len_b; j++) and i is not getting updated within the loop.

varunu28 commented 6 years ago

@rei2hu @dynamitechetan @AnupKumarPanwar Also the PRs should be monitored correctly to check for coding style and if an addition to the repo is actually an algorithm or just a solution of an interview question. The long term goal should be to make this repo as a one stop solution for Java algorithms rather than a repository with bunch of random interview problems.

AnupKumarPanwar commented 6 years ago

@dynamitechetan @varunu28 @rei2hu I think we should create a repo that contains simple English explanation of the algorithms with example and a link to their implementation in different programming languages.

praveenkannan commented 6 years ago

@AnupKumarPanwar I am relatively late here so I thought I directly ask you. Whats next in your priority list. i ll address it. I love writing algorithms.

AnupKumarPanwar commented 6 years ago

@praveenkannan I would like you to contribute on

praveenkannan commented 6 years ago

@AnupKumarPanwar assign that to me. I am starting to work on it now.

Alastifer commented 6 years ago

@AnupKumarPanwar can I write dijkstra algo on Java?

TheFern2 commented 6 years ago

Wouldn't it be easier to keep track of the algorithms that are missing? Some sort of list on the repo maybe.

MichGedd commented 6 years ago

Would I be able to write A* Algorithm? I created a version in Processing

TheFern2 commented 6 years ago

I've looked at the python repo, and I will be doing a bunch of the cypher algorithms.

shikhart98 commented 6 years ago

Are you interested to add compression algorithm?

dhinske commented 6 years ago

147 Added Bag-Datastructure

tifa64 commented 6 years ago

@AnupKumarPanwar I just started and I added the description of Shell sort in the README, can you assign me to a task ?

bhalla98 commented 6 years ago

@AnupKumarPanwar are you looking for data structure implementation as well?

PAPERPANKS commented 6 years ago

I will update the file with the latest codes. In reference to @AnupKumarPanwar issue #96 about updating structure of README file.

PAPERPANKS commented 6 years ago

154 added more content in README

AK-007 commented 6 years ago

Can I add LCS problem to dynamic programming?

TheFern2 commented 6 years ago

Are you guys interested in adding math algorithms? I can add linear interpolation and extrapolation. If so I'll add a Math folder/Package.

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vn17 commented 6 years ago

Would you be interested in a Java 8 implementation of an Image processing algorithm - Histogram Equalization Algorithm?

avsingh999 commented 6 years ago

would you interested in segment tree find the minimum in a range

akshay326 commented 6 years ago

can try for and equivalents, as in pull request #218

manimanasamylavarapu commented 6 years ago

Hi I am getting this error remote: Permission to TheAlgorithms/Java.git denied to manimanasamylavarapu.

varunu28 commented 6 years ago

@manimanasamylavarapu I suppose you were trying to edit the main repo

manimanasamylavarapu commented 6 years ago

@varunu28 you are right!! I then forked and proceeded .Thanks :)

chugh22 commented 6 years ago

added Tarjan's Algorithm for finding articulation point in a graph #245

akshay326 commented 6 years ago

separated main and generatePassword functions #218

PAPERPANKS commented 6 years ago

@AnupKumarPanwar reopen this issue i have added a new example

YJDave commented 6 years ago

@AnupKumarPanwar Add algorithm for Bucket Sort. Let me know if any changes are required :)

italo-batista commented 6 years ago

I have just opened a pull request in which I add the Floyd Warshall graph algorithm to find shortest paths between every pair of vertices. If you please review me.. (:

italo-batista commented 6 years ago

I also opened a pull request to add the sorting algorithm QuickSortMedianOfThree. :grin:

zhexuany commented 6 years ago

add a algo for coin change

italo-batista commented 6 years ago

Pull Request to add Bellman-Ford graph algorithm to find shortest path from one vertex to all. :smiley:

Febaug commented 6 years ago

Hey, a friend of mine and I would write the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm with the amount of maximal cardinal matchings as output and - if we're able to implement it - extend it later to give out the exact matchings.

Phil-Schmidt commented 6 years ago

Hi there, user Febaug has tipped me off about this project and I'd like to contribute as well. I've seen that you have a subdirectory for crypto algorithms, but you're still missing an implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard. I'd love to build that for you unless you see a problem with that.

YooSeonjae commented 6 years ago

Add a circular queue or ring wait, a data structure that uses a single fixed-size buffer just like an end-to-end connection


YooSeonjae commented 6 years ago

One of the greedy algorithms, Scheduling to Minimize Lateness


anthonycampbell commented 6 years ago

Could I add a skiplist implementation?

RishiPrakash commented 6 years ago

I have added pullRequest , please review and merge.