TheAlmightyBob / Calendars

Cross-platform calendar API plugin for Xamarin and Windows
MIT License
101 stars 23 forks source link

Added implementation for Tizen.NET #40

Closed JongHeonChoi closed 4 years ago

TheAlmightyBob commented 6 years ago

Thanks! If you rebase off the latest commit, the CI issue should be fixed.

Would you mind detabifying? 😃

It would be good to review/update the method comments for accuracy with this particular implementation. Mainly thinking of the lists of exceptions thrown by each method. (possibly they're fine as-is, I'm just not sure)

Do you need to first request calendar permissions on Tizen? Is there any related Tizen-specific setup or tips that an app would need in order to use this (e.g. config files) that could be added to the Readme?

TheAlmightyBob commented 6 years ago

Okay, now it's just failing to build the NuGet package for the Tizen project.

You can probably just remove this line from the nuspec: <file src="Calendars\Calendars.Plugin.Tizen\bin\Release\tizen40\Plugin.Calendars.xml" target="lib\tizen40\Plugin.Calendars.pdb" />

TheAlmightyBob commented 6 years ago

For future reference, I recommend downloading nuget and running nuget pack locally to verify things before committing.

I went ahead and tried it and there were two more issues:

TheAlmightyBob commented 6 years ago

Hmm. I was trying to help but I'm not certain if that merge was a good idea or not (I usually avoid merge commits in favor of rebase...)...

TheAlmightyBob commented 6 years ago

The CI build is still failing due to this issue:

TheAlmightyBob commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I had no idea there'd been an update here. 🙁

It looks like you accidentally reverted your previous fixes to the .nuspec, so I just went ahead and re-applied those for you so that Appveyor could finally pass.