Open Swoorup opened 4 years ago
Using the following as a slight modification to implementation of pollStreamForever allows to resume on disconnection
let pollStreamForever (redisdb : IDatabase) (streamName : RedisKey) (startingPosition : RedisValue) (pollOptions : PollOptions) =
let mutable nextPosition = startingPosition
Observable.taskUnfold (fun (pollDelay) ct -> task {
let! (response : StreamEntry []) = redisdb.StreamRangeAsync(streamName, minId = Nullable(nextPosition), count = (Option.toNullable pollOptions.CountToPullATime))
match response with
| EmptyArray ->
let nextPollDelay = pollOptions.CalculateNextPollDelay pollDelay
do! Task.Delay pollDelay
return Some (nextPollDelay, Array.empty )
| entries ->
let lastEntry = Seq.last entries
nextPosition <- EntryId.CalculateNextPositionIncr lastEntry.Id
let nextPollDelay = TimeSpan.Zero
return Some (nextPollDelay, entries )
}) TimeSpan.Zero
|> Observable.collect id
let stream = pollStreamForever db streamKey position PollOptions.Default
stream |> Observable.retry // On disconnection and re-connection will resume where it left off last
Other option would be to simply use OnNext instead of OnError for connection issues and wrap inside an F# result
module temp.RedisRx
open System
open System.Threading
open System.Reactive.Linq
open System.Reactive
open System.Threading.Tasks
open FSharp.Control.Reactive
open FSharp.Control.Redis.Streams.Core
open FSharp.Control.Tasks
open StackExchange.Redis
module Observable =
let internal taskUnfold (fn: 's -> CancellationToken -> Task<('s * 'e) option>) (state: 's) =
Observable.Create(fun (obs: IObserver<_>) ->
let cts = new CancellationTokenSource()
let ct = cts.Token
task {
let mutable innerState = state
let mutable isFinished = false
while not ct.IsCancellationRequested || not isFinished do
let! result = fn innerState ct
match result with
| Some (newState, output) ->
innerState <- newState
obs.OnNext <| Ok output
| None ->
isFinished <- true
with e ->
obs.OnNext <| Error e
|> ignore
new Disposables.CancellationDisposable(cts) :> IDisposable)
let flattenArray (observable : IObservable<Result<StreamEntry [],exn>>) =
observable.SelectMany (fun x ->
match x with
| Ok o -> o |> (Ok) :> seq<_>
| Error e -> [Error e] :> seq<_>)
let pollStreamForever (redisdb : IDatabase) (streamName : RedisKey) (startingPosition : RedisValue) (pollOptions : PollOptions) =
Observable.taskUnfold (fun (nextPosition, pollDelay) ct -> task {
let! (response : StreamEntry []) = redisdb.StreamRangeAsync(streamName, minId = Nullable(nextPosition), count = (Option.toNullable pollOptions.CountToPullATime))
match response with
| EmptyArray ->
let nextPollDelay = pollOptions.CalculateNextPollDelay pollDelay
do! Task.Delay pollDelay
return Some ((nextPosition, nextPollDelay ) , Array.empty )
| entries ->
let lastEntry = Seq.last entries
let nextPosition = EntryId.CalculateNextPositionIncr lastEntry.Id
let nextPollDelay = TimeSpan.Zero
return Some ((nextPosition, nextPollDelay), entries )
}) (startingPosition, TimeSpan.Zero)
|> Observable.flattenArray
We discussed this in slack, creating a new function like pollStreamForeverSafe
that returns a Result
would be the best fix here.
Could you open a PR for this, also adding this function for the Hopac
and Akka Streams
Slack convo:
sytherax 25 minutes ago
I did try hacking around code with consumer groups. In my case, each server instance can pop on and off. And each of them has to read stream individually. So put them across different consumer groups and read only unacknowledged messages which appears to do the job. But it seems like I need to have a seperate code to clean off unused consumer groups.
theangrybyrd:penguin: 24 minutes ago
But it seems like I need to have a seperate code to clean off unused consumer groups.
theangrybyrd:penguin: 24 minutes ago
yep, that’s why i havent released anything yet =\
sytherax 24 minutes ago
sytherax 23 minutes ago
I find it bit confusing reading the protocol as to why you would manually sent acknowledgement though
theangrybyrd:penguin: 23 minutes ago
I had a similar problem to this when lining up a Process to an Rx Stream (stdout/stderr), the amount of people that use stderr for no good reason basically led me to your second option (had to use Choice back then)
sytherax 22 minutes ago
so i reverted to solution keeping stream position in the client itself.
sytherax 19 minutes ago
doesn’t it make sense though, pollStreamForever to return Result<_, exn> instead?
sytherax 19 minutes ago
you could probably filter the exception to very specific exception in the implementation of pollStreamForever
theangrybyrd:penguin: 18 minutes ago
In theory, no
In practice, probably
sytherax 18 minutes ago
or have the first try catch inside pollStreamForever instead
sytherax 18 minutes ago
Android Rx onError Guidelines
By Ed Ballot
Reading time
4 min read
Oct 26th, 2019
theangrybyrd:penguin: 18 minutes ago
In theory the underlying stream tech should be able to accomodate for this kind of weird behavior.
sytherax 18 minutes ago
The divergent understanding is partially because the name "onError" is a bit misleading. The item emitted by onError() is not a simple error, but a throwable that can cause significant damage if not caught. Our app has a global handler that prevents it from crashing outright, but an uncaught exception can still leave parts of the app in an unpredictable state.
sytherax 16 minutes ago
exactly, it doesn’t make sense when the underlying stream has reconnect support.
theangrybyrd:penguin: 15 minutes ago
maybe we should just catch that specific exception and ignore it and assume it will retry the connect?
theangrybyrd:penguin: 14 minutes ago
as you said with having the try catch in there
theangrybyrd:penguin: 13 minutes ago
I could see being silent also being an annoying behavior =\
sytherax 13 minutes ago
I am bit torn in this, if silent since you could be disconnected forever.
theangrybyrd:penguin: 13 minutes ago
theangrybyrd:penguin: 12 minutes ago
I think the best answer for now is to add a second function like pollStreamForeverSafe where it returns the Result
sytherax 12 minutes ago
Yeah I agree
sytherax 11 minutes ago
Leaving it as a Result will let the users decide what to do with Error type, log it or just ignore it
theangrybyrd:penguin: 11 minutes ago
@TheAngryByrd I have created the pull request. :+1:
Currently using pollStreamForever like,
Is it possible to resume where it left off on Error?