TheAssassin / AppImageLauncher

Helper application for Linux distributions serving as a kind of "entry point" for running and integrating AppImages
MIT License
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Shutter Encoder doesn't get integrated #554

Open hyuri opened 1 year ago

hyuri commented 1 year ago

Pre-submit checks

Describe the bug

AppImageLauncher is set to watch "~/AppImages". This folder is a soft link to "/mnt/PARTITION B/AppImages".

When I moved "Shutter Encoder.AppImage" to ~/AppImages, it was not integrated, a shortcut was not added to ~/.local/share/applications or the menu (Gnome 40 overview/app launcher) and I cannot find it by searching on the Gnome Overview/App launcher either.

I searched the bug tracker and found issue #370 about issues with spaces in the file name and thought that was the problem, so I renamed the file from "Shutter Encoder.AppImage" to Shutter_Encoder.AppImage (removed the space, replaced it by an underscore) but the app still didn't integrate.

So I searched for "appimage" in the "Processes" section of the Gnome System Monitor (v41). "appimagelauncherd" and "appimagelauncher-lite.AppImage" showed up, I right-clicked on "appimagelauncherd" and clicked on "Kill" and the process died. "appimagelauncher-lite.AppImage" died by itself right after.

I waited for them to come back to life. They did. I waited a little longer to see if the app would integrate, then searched for it again. Nothing. It still didn't integrate.

So I moved "Shutter_Encoder.AppImage" out of the watched folder ("~/AppImage"), waited a little, moved it back in, waited a little again, searched for the app: still nothing, no integration.

I then did the same, but killed "appimagelauncherd" and "appimagelauncher-lite.AppImage" in between moving it out and back in again: still no integration.

Expected behavior

Moving "Shutter Encoder.AppImage" into the watched folder (in my case, ~/AppImages, which is a soft link to /mnt/PARTITION B/AppImages) should integrate the app into the desktop, adding a proper .desktop file with all proper parameters, including icon etc. into the ~/.local/share/applications folder.

Furthermore, renaming "Shutter Encoder.AppImage", including removing spaces, should trigger another attempt to integrate the app — if that's not yet the case.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Download the Shutter Encoder AppImage (link provided in the list of AppImages tried, below);
  2. Rename it to "Shutter Encoder.AppImage" or "Shutter_Encoder.AppImage" (with space or underscore);
  3. Move it into the folder your AppImageLauncher is set to watch;
  4. Try looking for it in your menu, see how it doesn't show up. Also, notice how the ".desktop" file is not created in your "~/.local/share/applications".


No entry for Shutter Encoder in "~/.local/share/applications".


Distribution and desktop environment

OS: Pop!_OS 21.10 (Based on Ubuntu 21.10) | 64-bit DE: GNOME 40.4.0 Windowing System: X11

Installed AppImageLauncher version

Release build (v2.2.0) (Lite version)

Running "./AppImageLauncher_Lite.AppImage --appimagelauncher-version" gave me "--appimagelauncher-version is not yet implemented in version 0880085".

List of AppImages you tried

Additional context

Log gathered from Gnome Logs 43:

13:27:47 appimagelaunche: Directories to watch disappeared, unintegrating AppImages formerly found in there
13:27:47 appimagelaunche: Directories to watch disappeared, unintegrating AppImages formerly found in there
13:27:17 appimagelaunche: Watching directories: /home/user /home/user/AppImages
13:27:17 appimagelaunche: Done
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Updating desktop database and icon caches
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Cleaning up old desktop integration files
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: ERROR: Failed to register AppImage in system
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Error: Failed to register AppImage in system via libappimage
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: ERROR: appimage_register_in_system : Icon field contains path
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: WARNING: AppImage shall not be integrated, skipping
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Integrating: /home/user/AppImages/Shutter_Encoder.AppImage
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Integrating: /home/user/AppImages/AppImageLauncher_Lite.AppImage
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Executing deferred operations
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Scheduling for (re-)integration: /home/user/AppImages/Shutter_Encoder.AppImage
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: AppImage is not integrated yet, integrating
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Found AppImage: /home/user/AppImages/Shutter_Encoder.AppImage
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: AppImage integrated already, skipping
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Found AppImage: /home/user/AppImages/PureRef.Appimage
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Scheduling for (re-)integration: /home/user/AppImages/AppImageLauncher_Lite.AppImage
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: AppImage is not integrated yet, integrating
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Found AppImage: /home/user/AppImages/AppImageLauncher_Lite.AppImage
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: AppImage integrated already, skipping
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Found AppImage: /home/user/AppImages/KITScenarist.AppImage
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: AppImage integrated already, skipping
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Found AppImage: /home/user/AppImages/Olive_Alpha.AppImage
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: AppImage integrated already, skipping
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Found AppImage: /home/user/AppImages/Kdenlive.AppImage
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Searching directory: /home/user/AppImages
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Searching directory: /home/user
13:26:37 appimagelaunche: Searching for existing AppImages
13:26:36 systemd: Started AppImageLauncher daemon.
13:26:22 appimagelaunche: Directories to watch disappeared, unintegrating AppImages formerly found in there
13:24:46 systemd: Started AppImageLauncher daemon.
13:24:30 appimagelaunche: Scheduling for unintegration: /home/user/AppImages/Shutter_Encoder.AppImage
13:24:19 nautilus: gi.repository.GLib.Error: g-io-error-quark: Error when getting information for file “/home/user/AppImages/Shutter_Encoder.AppImage”: No such file or directory (1)
13:23:47 appimagelaunche: Updating desktop database and icon caches
10:58:06 systemd: Started AppImageLauncher daemon.
10:44:43 appimagelaunche: Directories to watch disappeared, unintegrating AppImages formerly found in there
10:41:47 systemd: Started AppImageLauncher daemon.
TheAssassin commented 1 year ago

Oh, so you're using the Lite version. I guess I need to improve the issue form there.

Can you try the latest continuous (pre)release, please

cleanerspam commented 1 year ago

I am still facing this issue , the appimage provides by is fine it even has the icon file but still appimage does not integrates or show icon file If I choose Run Once without Integration . Does the pre-release fixes this issue ? I cant check as no binary for Arch Linux

hyuri commented 1 year ago

I tested with the latest continuous (pre)release and still same issue.

And my Applications folder is no longer in a different partition, it's now in my home.


life5ign commented 2 months ago

I'm having this issue, with my applications folder on the same filesystem (never was on a different one) on

Pop!_OS 22.04 Gnome 42.9 X11

apt policy appimagelauncher                                                                                                                                               
  Installed: 202211022349-stable-0f91801~ubuntu22.04.1
  Candidate: 202211022349-stable-0f91801~ubuntu22.04.1
  Version table:
 *** 202211022349-stable-0f91801~ubuntu22.04.1 500
        500 jammy/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

It says it's watching my $HOME and my applications directory, but fails to integrate appimages I launch from anywhere except my applications directory, which does work. I get Directories to watch disappeared, unintegrating AppImages formerly found in there