TheAvi123 / TravelGram

A web application for travellers to plan and collaborate with others on trips.
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Scrum Update #1 #1

Open TheAvi123 opened 3 years ago

gokcedilek commented 3 years ago

CS ID: m1w1b

  1. The main tasks we completed are brainstorming the design of the app, choosing the tech stack, sketching, creating user stories.
  2. The major challenge was deciding on the tech stack.
  3. We plan to start building out the main components and pages in our app.
TheAvi123 commented 3 years ago

CSID: e2h2b

  1. All team members worked on similar tasks this week. First of all, we brainstormed several ideas for the project and then picked one that all team members were comfortable with. We made sketches for the interface, made user stories, and got feedback from the TA.
  2. The most challenging part was deciding on exactly what libraries and frameworks we are using alongside React as I am not very experienced with them.
  3. We plan to make the first few commits to our repository with some basic components and structure for the project.
ryan-tso commented 3 years ago

CSID: s3v6

  1. What I did: Brainstormed app ideas and decided on a travel app, sketched basic UI of app
  2. Challenges: Cementing structure of our app. Deciding on what features to include or not.
  3. Plan to work on: Deciding component structure, divvying up component duties, learning Redux, Styled Components.
maiahta commented 3 years ago

CS ID: o7z9a

  1. Brainstormed ideas, got the idea approved, did rough sketches, chose some of the tech stack.
  2. Choosing tech stack / libraries details was a bit hard.
  3. Build a basic component + incorporate redux for showcase of usage