TheAvi123 / TravelGram

A web application for travellers to plan and collaborate with others on trips.
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Scrum Report #3 #13

Open TheAvi123 opened 3 years ago

gokcedilek commented 3 years ago

CS ID: m1w1b

  1. In this sprint I worked on creating a reusable component for handling creating a trip and creating a trip item, which included subcomponents such as a user search bar, and a location search bar using Google Maps API.
  2. The challenges I had were carrying over some components from Storybook to an actual page with proper styling, and integrating my components properly with others' components.
  3. In the next sprint I will work on creating 2 pages we've discussed, "View Trip" and "Dashboard".
maiahta commented 3 years ago

CS ID: o7z9a

  1. This sprint I focused on integrating redux, routing, and middleware. I also tried to get a head start on creating some endpoints.
  2. A challenge I ran into was figuring out the middleware, and how each of them worked.
  3. For this sprint I will continue the work on Redux, and start putting together all the components the team has created.
ryan-tso commented 3 years ago

CS ID: s3v6

  1. This sprint I worked on the logo and title bar, touching up the nav bar some more, and working on the edit profile page
  2. Challenges: Fighting with material.ui to get components looking how I want
  3. For the next sprint, I will finish the nav bar and edit profile page as well as making the back end end points for them.
TheAvi123 commented 3 years ago

CS ID: e2h2b

  1. This sprint I worked on transforming the card list component from the last sprint into a timeline base trip schedule as we had originally planned. I also worked on adding drag and drop functionality, integrating the popups with the timeline, and setting up the backend for the project.
  2. The biggest challenge was trying to make my custom drag and drop functionality work with the material UI timeline components. After multiple hours of debugging, I gave up trying to do this and used a react library to achieve the functionality instead.
  3. Over this next sprint, I plan to connect the main trip schedule page to the backend and database, and to finalize the front-end for the page. I also plan to help with creating the backend endpoints for other parts of the application as needed.