TheAvi123 / TravelGram

A web application for travellers to plan and collaborate with others on trips.
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Scrum Report #4 #18

Open maiahta opened 3 years ago

maiahta commented 3 years ago

CS ID: o7z9a

gokcedilek commented 3 years ago

CS ID: m1w1b

  1. In this sprint I worked on connecting our backend to MongoDB, connecting our frontend to Firebase Storage for storing image data, creating POST and GET routes for the trip schemas, and creating a dashboard page that includes backend pagination and filtering.
  2. The challenges I had included implementing the pagination, as well as the styling of components.
  3. In the next sprint I will work on the logic to add collaborators to a trip, editing and deleting a trip (by the owner or by the collaborators), adding input validation to forms, and fixing the styling of components.
ryan-tso commented 3 years ago

CS ID: s3v6

  1. In this sprint, I worked on edit profile page, profile previews, and user avatar components and connecting them to backend.
  2. Most challenging thing was working with promises to get data ready before certain components rendered
  3. Next sprint, will be working on connecting user info / edit profile / user avatar to MongoDB and Firebase DB, and connecting with redux. Also putting working routes in navbar
TheAvi123 commented 3 years ago

CD ID: e2h2b

  1. I personally worked mainly on the development of the trip-view page for this sprint. This included both front-end changes to make the page visually appealing, but also connecting it to the backend and DB. I also worked on a significant portion of the backend in terms of writing the CRUD endpoints for trip items and users, in addition to creating the Mongoose schemas.
  2. A major challenge for me this sprint was working on the client side as the component organization was a bit of a mess. There were some duplicate components and scattered functionality that made it very hard to find and expand on existing functionality.
  3. For the upcoming sprint, my focus will be on really pulling the application together by making all components adhere to a global style and further working on expanding the trip-view functionality in the backend and DB as that is the most important part of the app for the user experience.