TheAvi123 / TravelGram

A web application for travellers to plan and collaborate with others on trips.
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Scrum Report #5 #31

Open TheAvi123 opened 3 years ago

maiahta commented 3 years ago

CS ID: o7z9a

gokcedilek commented 3 years ago

CS ID: m1w1b

  1. In this sprint I worked on adding field validation, error handling, and timer-based success/failure messages to create trip & trip activity forms for better user experience, navigating from the dashboard to the individual trip pages, loading and displaying trip data in view trip page, the functionality to create a new trip out of an existing trip using the activities in the trip as a template to create the new trip, the functionality to edit a trip only if the currently logged in user is the owner or a collaborator of the trip, and the ability to delete a trip.

  2. The challenges I had included implementing the edit trip functionality properly to reflect the changes without having to refresh the view trip page, and integrating my work with the deployed version of the app (because some of our functionality didn't work as expected in our initial deployment).

  3. In the next sprint I plan to work on: 1) making small improvements to our existing functionality for the view trip page by getting the user's current location when they visit this page, and centering the map view automatically to those coordinates, making the create trip / trip activity form submission more user-friendly / intuitive, 2) helping fix some small bugs we identified as a team.

TheAvi123 commented 3 years ago

CS ID: e2h2b

  1. This sprint, I mainly worked on the user interface for our project. I gave the front-end of the app a complete overhaul, going from components with bare minimum styling to a consistent and visually appealing experience for the user. This included setting up the theme for the app (color palette, rounding radius, default padding, etc.), a new masonry-style layout for the dashboard trips, and a new style for the Google Maps API. I worked on most components on every page (login, register, profile, dash, and trip). I also did some minor work in the backend and DB but it was mainly just bug fixes.
  2. The main challenge for me was making all the components consistent with one another. Since all 4 of us had worked on some parts individually, they were very different from one another. Making them all look alike was a bigger task than anticipated since I had to figure out which library components were being used and checking their API documentation for every page. Another challenge for me this sprint was that I wasn't feeling well during the first week, and had some urgent personal matters. Balancing my time in the second week to make up for the lost time was difficult.
  3. For the final sprint I plan to work on some minor styling changes based on feedback from the design reviews and also things I missed this sprint. I will also finish making the site mobile responsive (currently only a few pages are). I also plan to work on some some stretch goals, either trip comments or popularity features (upvoting, downvoting, etc).
ryan-tso commented 3 years ago

CS ID: s3v6

  1. For this sprint, I worked on attaching the mongoDB api calls to the back end for user info related components (Profile, Avatars) as well as attaching to Redux stores. Also worked on functionality for uploading picture files to change user avatar and firebase integration

  2. The biggest challenge this sprint is getting the avatar in the navbar to update. It turns out it was a race condition with redux stores and it was fixed with a conditional to determine if the useSelector or the store had it updated

  3. For the next sprint, I will be working on some bug fixes such as components needing to be updated after user saves profile, and also some minor additions such as a confirmation screen for saving profile, white backgrounds for avatars, and having TripCard use avatars.