TheAvi123 / TravelGram

A web application for travellers to plan and collaborate with others on trips.
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Scrum Update #2 #8

Open TheAvi123 opened 3 years ago

maiahta commented 3 years ago

CS ID: o7z9a

  1. I worked on creating the authentication components. this includes a lower level child element that renders and validates the form, and two higher parent components that feed the child the correct forms to render: register or login. I also made sure it's set up in a way that would make integration with redux easier.
  2. The major issue I ran into was setting up and running storybooks, a framework that we will be using. another challenge was getting used to using material-ui components instead of the default ones.
  3. In the next iteration I will continue perfecting the authentication components, adding better designs, proper validation, and redux integration. I will also be working on other components (tbd).
gokcedilek commented 3 years ago

CS ID: m1w1b

  1. I worked on setting up a basic Storybook + MaterialUI template, and created a CreateTrip component.
  2. The major challenges for me included getting used to the new toolset, dividing the tasks among each other, and planning for future tasks efficiently.
  3. In the next iteration I will continue with creating other components, and their appropriate styling, and we will start integrating Storybook components into actual pages our app will have.
ryan-tso commented 3 years ago

CS ID: s3v6

  1. Worked on Nav Bar component with drown down and drawer menu functionality
  2. Major challenge: Learning and using new tools ie MaterialUI, React
  3. To work on: Settling on a theme and final website organization as a team, finishing up nav bar component, and other components, linking components and pages up.
TheAvi123 commented 3 years ago

CS ID: e2h2b

  1. I worked on displaying the different Trip Cards in a chronological order for the Trip Screen. In order to achieve this, I had to build a multi-layer component system involving a Card List and a Trip Card, which can be expanded in the future to include different types of cards. I also worked on some pop-up functionality that allows the user to view and edit individual cards on the Trip.
  2. A major issue for me was getting used to using the Material UI and Styled Components. I am new to web development so I first implemented everything using Vanilla React and CSS, then converted it over to use the libraries in order to stay consistent with my group.
  3. In the upcoming sprint, I hope to work on the Trip Screen at a higher level, connecting my existing functionality to the routing for the web app. I also need to work with the team to ensure styling is consistent throughout the project.