TheAxelander / OpenBudgeteer

OpenBudgeteer is a budgeting app based on the Bucket Budgeting Principle
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Unicode support for transaction imports #163

Closed shugyosha89 closed 1 year ago

shugyosha89 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank you for your hard work creating OpenBudgeteer.

I am using it in Japan and would like to import transaction CSV data in Japanese, however the application currently does not support unicode. The text therefore becomes garbled before insertion into the database.

This issue likely affects many languages and locales.

Is it possible to change the expected encoding to UTF-8, or to allow the user to specify the encoding?


TheAxelander commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks a lot for your feedback.

I'm wondering that there is an issue with UTF-8 as I thought it is working. Do you see the strange characters during import already in the Preview or does it only show up once the data have been finally loaded? Maybe it's just a collation setting of the used database and not the application itself.

shugyosha89 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for your reply. Yes, the strange characters appear already in the Preview, as well as after the data has been imported.

The database is using charset utf8mb4, so is capable of storing unicode characters.

TheAxelander commented 1 year ago

Ok good to know. May you can share any kind of sample file (of course with anonymized/random data), so I can test this on my side.

TheAxelander commented 1 year ago

Found the issue in OpenBudgeteer.Core.ViewModels.ImportDataViewModel.cs line 209,210,245

FileText = File.ReadAllText(FilePath, Encoding.GetEncoding(1252));
_fileLines = File.ReadAllLines(FilePath, Encoding.GetEncoding(1252));
using var lineReader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.GetEncoding(1252));

Currently it reads the data as ISO 8859-1, would need to change and test it to UTF-8

shugyosha89 commented 1 year ago

Thank you!

TheAxelander commented 1 year ago

A (hopefully) working Fix is now available in pre-release. Update 1.7 is planned to be released in a few days.