fix: do not exclude sessions anymore, as we have now managed to successfully run all sessions through fMRIPrep, and the issue with the event file of ses-039 has been fixed.
fix: do not copy the affine anymore, as the images in the subject space have completely different affines. This also means the images are resampled to the same space before running the first-level model
enh: load the T1w image preprocessed by fMRIPrep to plot activation on top
enh: generate a mosaic of all possible PE direction contrasts
fix: do not exclude sessions anymore, as we have now managed to successfully run all sessions through fMRIPrep, and the issue with the event file of ses-039 has been fixed. fix: do not copy the affine anymore, as the images in the subject space have completely different affines. This also means the images are resampled to the same space before running the first-level model enh: load the T1w image preprocessed by fMRIPrep to plot activation on top enh: generate a mosaic of all possible PE direction contrasts