Other issue have error when when break block nether ores.
10.02 15:18:50 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL Could not pass event 'pocketmine\event\block\BlockBreakEvent' to 'VanillaEnchantments v3.0.0-ALPHA11': Undefined class constant 'NETHER_QUARYZ' on vanilla\Core
10.02 15:18:50 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL Error: "Undefined class constant 'NETHER_QUARYZ'" (EXCEPTION) in "VanillaEnchantments.phar/src/vanilla/Core" at line 287
Other issue have error when when break block nether ores.
10.02 15:18:50 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL Could not pass event 'pocketmine\event\block\BlockBreakEvent' to 'VanillaEnchantments v3.0.0-ALPHA11': Undefined class constant 'NETHER_QUARYZ' on vanilla\Core 10.02 15:18:50 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL Error: "Undefined class constant 'NETHER_QUARYZ'" (EXCEPTION) in "VanillaEnchantments.phar/src/vanilla/Core" at line 287