TheBastionBot / Bastion

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migrate commands to slash commands #953

Closed iamtraction closed 2 years ago

iamtraction commented 2 years ago


Bot Owner Commands | Command | Type | Status | Notes | |-|-|-|-| | `announce` | | ❌ | Discord's Announcement channels can be used for this. | | `blacklist` | User | 💼 | Right-Click the user and blacklist them. | | `commandModule` | | ❌ | Discord's Slash command permissions can be used instead of this. | | `exec` | Slash | ✅ | `/su exec` | | `eval` | Slash | ✅ | `/su eval` | | `relayDirectMessages` | | 💼 | Migrate the configuration to settings/dashboard. Make it more like mod mail and allow relaying to channels. | | `reloadSettings` | Slash | ✅ | `/su reload-settings` | | `setAvatar` | | ❌ | Discord's App Dashboard can be used for this. | | `setNick` | | ❌ | Discord's builtin methods can be used for this. | | `setPresence` | Slash | 💼 | | | `setUsername` | | ❌ | Discord's App Dashboard can be used for this. | | `shutdown` | Slash | ✅ | `/su shutdown` |
Comics Commands | Command | Type | Status | Notes | |-|-|-|-| | `garfield` | Slash | ✅ | `/comic garfield` | | `phdComics` | Slash | ✅ | `/comic phd` | | `xkcd` | Slash | ✅ | `/comic xkcd` |
Configuration Commands | Command | Type | Status | Notes | |-|-|-|-| | `announcements` | | ❌ | Discord's Announcement channels can be used for this. | | `autoRoles` | Slash | ✅ | `/config auto-roles` | | `farewells` | Slash | ✅ | `/config farewell` | | `gambling` | Slash | ✅ | `/config gambling` | | `gamification` | Slash | ✅ | `/config gamification` | | `greetings` | Slash | ✅ | `/config greeting` | | `inviteFilter` | Slash | ✅ | `/filter` | | `languages` | | ❌ | Won't be needed as Bastion will use Server's language. | | `linkFilter` | Slash | ✅ | `/filter` | | `membersOnly` | | ❌ | Discord's Slash command permissions can be used instead of this. | | `mentionSpam` | Slash | 💼 | Use the command to configure Discord AutoMod's mention spam filter. | | `messageFilter` | Slash | 💼 | Use the command to configure Discord AutoMod's message filter. | | `moderationLogs` | Slash | ✅ | `/config log` | | `prefix` | | ❌ | Not required as commands are moved to Slash commands. | | `reactionAnnouncements` | | ❌ | Discord's Announcement channels can be used for this. | | `reactionPinning` | | ❌ | The same amount of steps involved as normally pinning a message. | | `reports` | Slash | ✅ | `/config reports` | | `selfRoles` | Slash | ✅ | `/config self-roles` | | `serverLogs` | Slash | ✅ | `/config log` | | `starboard` | Slash | ✅ | `/config starboard` | | `streamerRole` | Slash | ✅ | `/config streamer-role` | | `streamers` | Slash | ✅ | `/config live-streams` | | `suggestions` | Slash | ✅ | `/config suggestions` | | `triggers` | Slash | ✅ | `/config triggers` | | `verification` | Slash | ✅ | `/config verification` | | `reports` | Slash | ✅ | `/config reports` | | `voiceSessions` | Slash | ✅ | `/config voice-sessions` | | `votingChannels` | Slash | ✅ | `/config voting-channels` |
Fun Commands | Command | Type | Status | Notes | |-|-|-|-| | `catify` | Slash | 💼 | | | `dankmeme` | Slash | 💼 | | | `joke` | Slash | 💼 | | | `lifeProTip` | Slash | 💼 | | | `meme` | Slash | 💼 | | | `pickupLine` | Slash | 💼 | | | `pun` | Slash | 💼 | | | `roast` | Slash | 💼 | | | `robotify` | Slash | 💼 | | | `ship` | Slash | 💼 | | | `showerThought` | Slash | 💼 | | | `simpness` | Slash | 💼 | | | `todayILearned` | Slash | 💼 | |
Game Commands | Command | Type | Status | Notes | |-|-|-|-| | `acrophobia` | Slash | 💼 | Make using Input Modal interaction. | | `flip` | Slash | ✅ | `/games flip` | | `gameServer` | Slash | ✅ | `/game-server` | | `magic8ball` | Slash | ✅ | `/games 8ball` | | `numberNash` | Slash | 💼 | Make using Input Modal interaction. | | `roll` | Slash | ✅ | `/games roll` | | `rps` | Slash | ✅ | `/games rps` | | `russianRoulette` | Slash | ✅ | `/games russian-roulette` | | `ticTacToe` | Slash | 💼 | Make using Button interaction. | | `trivia` | Slash | 💼 | Make using Input Modal interaction. |
Help Commands | Command | Type | Status | Notes | |-|-|-|-| | `changelog` | Slash | ✅ | `/changes` | | `commands` | | ❌ | Not required as commands are moved to Slash commands. | | `donate` | Slash | ✅ | | | `help` | | ❌ | Not required as commands are moved to Slash commands. |
Info Commands | Command | Type | Status | Notes | |-|-|-|-| | `avatar` | Slash | ✅ | `/user avatar` | | `channel` | Slash | ✅ | `/channel info` | | `emoji` | Slash | ✅ | `/emoji info` | | `patrons` | Slash | 💼 | | | `role` | Slash | ✅ | `/role info` | | `server` | Slash | ✅ | `/server info` | | `status` | Slash | | | | `user` | Slash | ✅ | `/user info` |
Management Commands | Command | Type | Status | Notes | |-|-|-|-| | `boost` | Slash | 💼 | | | `channels` | Slash | ✅ | `/channel` | | `edit` | Slash | 💼 | | | `giveaway` | Slash | ✅ | Giveaways can now run for as long as you want. | | `grant` | Slash | 💼 | | | `iam` | Slash | ✅ | | | `inviteRoles` | Slash | 💼 | | | `leave` | | ❌ | Discord's builtin method can be used to do this. | | `levelUpRoles` | Slash | ✅ | `/role levels` | | `lockdown` | | ❌ | Not reliable when a channel has permission overrides. | | `prune` | Slash | ✅ | `/server prune` | | `reactionRoles` | Slash | 💼 | Self Roles can now be used to do this. But a better "reaction" roles will be coming. | | `referralRewards` | Slash | 💼 | | | `referrals` | Slash | 💼 | | | `roles` | Slash | ✅ | `/role` | | `roleStore` | Slash | 💼 | | | `safeList` | Slash | 💼 | | | `suggest` | Slash | ✅ | |
Moderation Commands | Command | Type | Status | Notes | |-|-|-|-| | `ban` | Slash | ❌ | Builtin Slash command `/ban` | | `case` | | ❌ | - | | `clear` | Slash | ✅ | `/message clear` | | `deaf` | | 💼 | | | `infractions` | | 💼 | | | `kick` | Slash | ❌ | Builtin Slash command `/kick` | | `nickname` | Slash | ❌ | Builtin Slash command `/nickname` | | `reason` | | ❌ | - | | `report` | Slash | ✅ | | | `textMute` | Slash | ❌ | Builtin Slash command `/timeout` | | `unban` | | 💼 | | | `updateRoles` | | 💼 | | | `voiceMute` | | 💼 | | | `warn` | Slash | ✅ | |
Music Commands | Command | Type | Status | Notes | |-|-|-|-| | `music` | Slash | ✅ | `/config music` | | `musicChannel` | Slash | 💼 | `/config music` | | `musicMaster` | Slash | 💼 | `/config music` | | `nowPlaying` | Slash | 💼 | | | `pause` | Slash | ✅ | `/music pause` | | `play` | Slash | ✅ | `/music play` | | `queue` | Slash | ✅ | `/music queue` | | `resume` | Slash | ✅ | `/music resume` | | `skip` | Slash | ✅ | `/music skip` | | `stop` | Slash | ✅ | `/music stop` | | `volume` | | ❌ | Global volume has been removed to improve performance. Volume can be controlled from user's side using Discord's builtin methods. |
Player Stats Commands | Command | Type | Status | Notes | |-|-|-|-| | `aimlab` | Slash | ✅ | `/gamestats aimlab` | | `apexLegends` | Slash | ✅ | `/gamestats apex` | | `counterStrikeGlobalOffensive` | Slash | ✅ | `/gamestats csgo` | | `destiny2` | Slash | 💼 | | | `fortnite` | Slash | ✅ | `/gamestats fortnite` | | `overwatch` | Slash | ✅ | `/gamestats overwatch` — Overwatch 2 stats are not yet available. | | `pubg` | Slash | 💼 | | | `rainbow6` | Slash | ✅ | `/gamestats rainbow6` | | `rocketLeague` | Slash | 💼 | [Rocket League API]( was shutdown soon after it was acquired by Epic Games. This will be added back as soon I can find other ways to get the stats. | | `valorant` | Slash | ✅ | `/gamestats valorant` |
Profile Commands | Command | Type | Status | Notes | |-|-|-|-| | `coins` | Slash | ✅ | Integrated with `/profile` | | `daily` | Slash | ✅ | `/claim` | | `karma` | Slash | ✅ | Integrated with `/profile` | | `leaderboard` | Slash | ✅ | | | `profile` | Slash | ✅ | | | `rank` | Slash | ✅ | Integrated with `/profile` | | `referral` | Slash | 💼 | |
Search Commands | Command | Type | Status | Notes | |-|-|-|-| | `anime` | Slash | ✅ | `/search anime` | | `apod` | Slash | ✅ | `/search apod` | | `covid19` | | ❌ | Removed as the command isn't being used anymore. | | `cryptocurrency` | Slash | ✅ | `/search cryptocurrency` | | `game` | Slash | ✅ | `/search game` | | `manga` | Slash | ✅ | `/search manga` | | `movie` | Slash | ✅ | `/search movie` | | `pokemon` | Slash | ✅ | `/search pokemon` | | `tvShow` | Slash | ✅ | `/search tv` | | `urbanDictionary` | Slash | ✅ | `/search urban-dictionary` | | `weather` | Slash | ✅ | `/search weather` | | `wikipedia` | Slash | ✅ | `/search wikipedia` | | `wotd` | Slash | 💼 | |
Utility Commands | Command | Type | Status | Notes | |-|-|-|-| | `calculate` | Slash | ✅ | | | `choose` | Slash | 💼 | | | `cite` | Slash | 💼 | | | `color` | Slash | 💼 | | | `datetime` | Slash | 💼 | | | `definitions` | Slash | ✅ | `/search definitions` | | `echo` | Slash | ✅ | `/say` | | `followRedirects` | Slash | ✅ | `/search redirects` | | `invite` | Slash | ✅ | | | `lmstfy` | Slash | ✅ | `/lmgtfy` | | `poll` | Slash | ✅ | Polls can now run for as long as you want. | | `translate` | Slash | ✅ | |
atlanna[bot] commented 2 years ago

Thank you for opening this issue. A maintainer will get by as soon as practical to address this issue.

If this is a support question and not really an issue or suggestion, then please ask it in our Discord Server instead.

atlanna[bot] commented 2 years ago

If you think this was a mistake, feel free to reopen this isssue.