TheBoegl / gradle-launch4j

A gradle-plugin to create windows executables with launch4j
Apache License 2.0
298 stars 40 forks source link

After outfile is set to Chinese, although the exe is successfully created, it cannot be run. #172

Open koreQAQ opened 3 days ago

koreQAQ commented 3 days ago

This is my gradle task

tasks.register<>("generateExe") {
    outfile.set("口袋方舟" + ".exe")
    fileDescription.set("The lightning fast implementation")

This is the result after running image

I tried checking the XML and found gibberish image

What makes me curious is that as long as the file name is changed to any English, the exe can run

TheBoegl commented 2 days ago

@koreQAQ are you running the gradle (daemon) JVM with utf-8 file encoding and what JDKJava version are you using?