TheBrain8791 / ha_awattar

Adds Awattar energy cost data to Home Assistant.
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Downloaded prices don't match Awattar AT website #2

Open TeleporterGuy opened 1 year ago

TeleporterGuy commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thanks for your integration. Vienna time zone, Austrian VAT (20%), 3% surcharge for Hourly Tarif. On 22.01.2023, sensor shows price of 19.112 c/kWh, website is telling me price of 18.56 c/kWh.

Where does this difference come from? Do you know?


TheBrain8791 commented 1 year ago


to my interpretation, the price published on the awattar website is only the "base price" as defined on the spot market - therefore neither the "netto" nor the "brutto" price from the awattar website - probably does not contain the surcharge for the energy plan itself (e.g. awattar hourly = 3% per kWh).

What I've done, is comparing the data from awattar with e.g. price data available from and they matched. I assumed that the APG will probably not consider any surcharge from any energy provider (like awattar). Therefore I came to the conclusion that these prices published are only the "base prices" and the surcharge needs to be added.

This interpretation might be wrong - but since I personally have started shortly with awattar for myself and did not get any bill from them up to now, I'll be able to tell if my assumption is right as soon as this happens. Might be, that the component needs to be adapted therefore.

Currently, I've implemented the integration working like this:

  1. Acquire raw data using the awattar api (thus spot market data to my understanding)
  2. Add VAT (according to the setting) + add surcharge (according to the setting)
  3. Result of the calc, in step 2 equals the final data (which of course differs from the awattar website data)

Hope this answers your question ?

TeleporterGuy commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks again. Right, same motivation on my side. I thought of writing them a mail, but invoice will come in few days.

In that sense I might have one small request. I tried modifying the surcharge parameter, but can't get into integration configuration any other way than Remove and Add the integration again. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Could you make it adjustable at any time?

TheBrain8791 commented 1 year ago

Hi @TeleporterGuy,

regarding your request: Yes I'm aware of the fact, that it is currently not possible to reconfigure the settings without deleting and re-adding the integration, but I just wanted to have a quick solution for myself first hand - so for now - sry for that little inconveniences!

I already have a list of improvements to implement for myself already - e.g.

As soon as I find some free time (well in fact - that's the main problem :wink:), I'll impl. that and publish that here.

In the meantime - what may be helpful to know is:

Since the created sensor / entity always has gets the same name like e.g. "sensor.awattar_at_price", it does at least not cause any issues to the ha other configuration to remove and re-add the component to change settings.