First of all, thank you for this sample ! It's really clean to have a loader in the webpack config !
However I see on the repo cypress-cucumber-preprocessor a way to have local/common steps by specifying "nonGlobalStepDefinitions": true but I can't make it work with typescript...
Feature: The main page
I want to open the search page
Given I open the desktop application
Scenario: Opening the search page
Then I see "Title" in the title
const { When, Then, Given } = require('cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/steps');
Given(/^I open the desktop application$/, () => {
cy.viewport(1280, 1024);
Given(/^I open the mobile application$/, () => {
cy.viewport(360, 640);
Then(/^I see "([^"]*)" in the title$/, (text: string) => {
cy.title().should('eq', text);
Error: Step implementation missing for: I open the desktop application
First of all, thank you for this sample ! It's really clean to have a loader in the webpack config !
However I see on the repo
a way to have local/common steps by specifying"nonGlobalStepDefinitions": true
but I can't make it work with typescript...Could you help me ?