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Task 3 Data Visualisation #33

Open dzheng918 opened 2 years ago

dzheng918 commented 2 years ago

Just opened an issue to keep track of our questions and ideas for data visualisation @ddsi7192 @KevinS9714

dzheng918 commented 2 years ago

Hi @kym834 ,

Dom @ddsi7192 , Kevin @KevinS9714 and I have just had a meeting to discuss some starting ideas for data visualisation. We had two queries that we wanted to clarify before making a start on anything:

  1. This question is relevant to the database construction group as well. In our last meeting, we think it was suggested that the database construction group use the set of data from the surveys we completed for Task 1. We wanted to confirm whether that is the case. If so, should the data visualisation group use the same set of data? And where can we access this data?

  2. Are we only using the data from previous challenges that we have access to for the visualisation, and does that mean that we should not be adding any information from private research outside of the given data to the visualisation resource?

  3. From our last meeting, we understand the resource we create should be reproducible by others. Should we then only create data visualisations for information on one single medicine that others will be able to replicate for another medicines? Or would more general data visualisations, that cover information on a range of medicines and that will be continuously added to in the future by other participants, be ok to do?

Thanks, Daisy

kym834 commented 2 years ago


  1. Yes, I've got the data downloaded I just need to put it into the Dropbox folder - I will do this ASAP and let you know when I've done it.

  2. Yes only data from previous challenges. If people were to collect new information we would want this to be added to our database which they would do through completing a challenge. In saying that, for the meet the medicine videos we included a fun fact which is not something we ask for in the challenges but we hoped participants might have found during their research and I would be okay for you to mostly work of the data collected in the challenge but to also include 1 other piece of "other" information. Key to remember how much time this will take. If it is quite lengthly, probably would have less participants wanted to make a data visualisation resource.

  3. Our preference here is that you stick to just one single medicine unless, there is something the clearly links them together. We image more general data visualisation could be automated from the database and hence automatically updated as new data was added but we'd love to hear your ideas in our meeting later this week.

Hope this helps and I've answered your questions :)

kym834 commented 2 years ago

Update: The data is now in the Dropbox folder - 2021_Dalyell_EM_Raw Data

dzheng918 commented 2 years ago

Here is a summary of what we’re going to go ahead with in the next week for data visualisation.

The two data visualisations that we have decided on are:

  1. A timeline of a single medicine showing information collected from the price hikes and circle of life challenges e.g. FDA approval date, changes in ownership, significant changes in price.

Daisy will create the timeline and write up a guide for reproducing a similar timeline for other medicines. We'll also look into how the resource can be most effectively distributed on social media i.e. instagram post or video.

  1. A colour-coded world map for a single medicine showing the magnitude of price hikes in different countries around the world.

After our meeting today we had a look around to see if we could find some appropriate software to create a world map. We decided that a colour coded map would be the most visually appealing and most accessible way to present data points (as opposed to size based bubbles etc. which were previously discussed).

We settled on using to create the map with a two part process. The first part is sorting and categorising data, whereas the second is to generate the map itself by inputting the data points.

Dom will categorise and collate new data relating to price hikes across multiple countries for a particular medicine in a table, to help more easily see which data can be represented in the map.

Kevin will input the key data points summarised through Dom’s table and create a world map outlining significant price hikes in countries across the world. Through our experience making this resource, we will also create a guide outlining how citizens can create their OWN resources.

dzheng918 commented 2 years ago

Link to google drive folder for data visualisation:

ddsi7192 commented 2 years ago

Hi @kym834 , Just had a question regarding the world map visualisation we had discussed in our data visualisations meeting. Our group had decided on doing a colour coded map for a single medicine showing the magnitude of price hikes in different countries. At the moment, the raw data does not comprise of a variety of countries for any single medicine - often many participants have found the same 1-3 countries with price hikes for a single medicine. We were worried it may look too bare if this was represented on a map as we had planned. I have also done some extra research to try to find price hikes in more countries, regarding the medicine I have chosen, however, this still only yielded a couple more countries to add. Despite its bare looks at the moment, would this visualisation be okay to continue with? Potentially, as more data is collected, participants could continue to add to it, so it would eventually look fuller? Thanks, Dom

kym834 commented 2 years ago

Hey @ddsi7192,

Yes of course. As long as you include some instructions in your document that explain how people can add data to the visualisation you have created. Additionally, you can consider looking at something else instead of price where we have more data to make use of :)