TheBritishBrotherhood / ArdentCraft-The-Beginning

Hardcore Modpack
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Better Questing Book #143

Open RealTrueDeviL opened 7 years ago

RealTrueDeviL commented 7 years ago


Is it supposed to look like that? and I had to force complete those 2 quests, as they didn't update, I have a feeling I'll have to force all the other like it too >.<

webtyphoon commented 7 years ago

On my side, too. Thought the questbook is a wip.

Villini commented 7 years ago

Here`s the same.

x0tempus0x commented 7 years ago


Works for me

webtyphoon commented 7 years ago

strange... is it the latest version of the pack?

chimericdream commented 7 years ago

The "BOOM" quest lines look the same as OP for me as well.