TheBritishBrotherhood / ArdentCraft-The-Beginning

Hardcore Modpack
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Quests aren't appearing in Quest Book #152

Open avykrm opened 7 years ago

avykrm commented 7 years ago

I am currently using the latest version of Ardentcraft 4.2.02 . The last six Major Quests Lines in quest book from " Even More Flowuhr Powhur " to " Wrapping Things Up " are not visible . screen shot 2017-04-15 at 2 58 36 pm screen shot 2017-04-15 at 2 58 26 pm screen shot 2017-04-15 at 2 58 20 pm screen shot 2017-04-15 at 2 58 15 pm

screen shot 2017-04-15 at 2 57 53 pm

Also , In Ender Stuff Quests , Farming station machine need to be made before Slice n' Splice machine in order to complete the quest but Recipe of Farming Station machine requires Z-Logic Controller in it's recipe which only be craft by using Slice n' Splice . So that means we have to craft two Slice n' Splice machines in order to complete the quest. ender stuff

diraven commented 7 years ago

I have the same and it feels like those sections are just not finished yet.

RealTrueDeviL commented 7 years ago

I believe that these sections are just not complete yet, although, I've had no response from the creator, for almost a month on my issues, maybe it's a dead pack now... :/

NoMorePeace commented 7 years ago

If I remember correctly, the quest mod was outdated. When porting the quest over from an older version. The quest got all messed up. I believe someone was going to work on it from scratch since it was a few years of work.

avykrm commented 7 years ago

First I thought may be they will be unlocked (& will appear ) by completion of some other special quests but still there's nothing in those sections :(

TheBritishBrotherhood commented 7 years ago

Currently not completed :) And yeah we updated the quest mod and it broke everything! And with there been 800+ quests its hard to fix xD

chimericdream commented 7 years ago

Currently not completed :) And yeah we updated the quest mod and it broke everything! And with there been 800+ quests its hard to fix xD

Is there an ETA on fixes to the quest book? Even incremental changes over a period of time (preferably weeks rather than months, but I don't know how much time you have to devote) would be nice.