TheCacophonyProject / bird-monitor

Android application to regularly record birdsong for analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
11 stars 9 forks source link

Issues #39 fix ssl errors by using okhttp and #23 sorting now properly working #42

Closed jackodsteel closed 5 years ago

jackodsteel commented 5 years ago

Fix #39 by removing use of the standard HttpURLConnection and moving fully to OkHttp3.

Add fix for an error getting IMEI on new android versions by adding extra permission requirement, also a bit of refactoring.

Bump gradle + build tools versions as per Android Studio recommendations for security patches.

Fix register fragment not showing errors upon 422 response

Fix #23 sorting not actually sorting in all cases due to it being overwritten in other places

Removed any check/reference to the "success" flag in current API responses, now rely on the status code only. This is due to it being redundant as well as planned to remove.