TheCallunxz / Left2Mine

A Minecraft mod for playing and creating Left 4 Dead style adventure maps!
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Smoker's Incredible Range #9

Open unit0016 opened 4 years ago

unit0016 commented 4 years ago

So, I've been working on a sprawling survival map, where the centerpiece is a giant noteblock "alarm" that activates a bunch of other gizmos as it blares. The problem with this, of course, is that most of these devices are visual, and require glass to properly observe. (And before you suggest it, no, only having glass on one wall wouldn't work, the device was built for 3 different angles, not just 1.) The problem being, of course, that the smoker has the incredible ability to thrust his tongue through 2 panes of glass, across the entire span of a woodland mansion, just to hit his target. Please. Nerf the Smoker's range. Now, being a bit more productive, here's 2 potential solutions for this problem: A: Cap The Smoker's Maximum Distance (Maybe only horizontally?) B: Add a block designed to prevent the smoker from tonguing through it. Thank you for considering.

TheCallunxz commented 4 years ago

Lol I love the title. Smokers range is pretty long but the main problem here is that he can get you through glass. I'm going to sort that out in a future update. I should (hopefully) have time next week to work on more Left 2 Mine.