TheCanadianConfederationDebates / TCCD

Repository for the data and codebase for The Canadian Confederation Debates project.
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Meeting Notes 2017-02-01 #50

Closed lyallg closed 7 years ago

lyallg commented 7 years ago

Disambiguation of Wilmot into WILM1 and WILM2

DH: Should bios without DCB go to Parliament website? MH: Done for Wilmot Jr. Can look at others later.

DH: How is progress? MH: On pace for HOCR; Numbers include slow December.

DH: Will be canvassing for transcriptions. Has ambassadors out as well. MH: We need to do better than 100 pages a week. DH: If some volumes not done by July 1 ok.

DH: Edited one Newfoundlander page. Need a permanent place for Newfoundlander. MH: Create an NL folder, and move temp stuff there along with federal stuff. When GL moves stuff, sit down with MH to properly track.

DH: "ghost" man folder GL: ST may have it as well MH: del folder and do a pull DH: gives an xcrun error

GL: ready to meet Armand DH: he will need git training. GL: 11-3 est, works.

GL: Has ST been shown transcriber portals DH: she can review and download, but not put on repo. Comes in as zip, drag and drop into edited folders. Don't replace just add new. GL: can you show me if ST not in tomorrow? DH: Yep.

DH: Kim, needs more encoding GL: bottleneck right now, won't be able to send much DH: should Armand pack go to Kim? GL: Yes

DH: volunteer programmer creating a voting app. MH: We can't host unless we get a good look at it. We may not be able to get through the work we have right now. DH: Can UVic grab and display the aggregate data from poll site. MH: new features should not be entertained. DH: poll site will be standalone.

DH: Is there any resource requirements Uvic needs to get your work done? GL: Can we keep ST going? She will be needed to get things done I think. GL: ST will also be at field school in May

MH: Can take over a bit in May if postal work is done.

DH: personography needs to be updated for missing election. Wants GF to work on it. MH: It is an xml taks, either adding new person entry or adding new affiliations. Research done? How man people? DH: Maybe around 200, but following debates have been done so many should be already done. Can send names and riding in a chart.