Open Felix-Kariuki opened 5 months ago
@Felix-Kariuki Did you notice that the chart shrinks in size also, when you add more and more data points? I tested on iOS 17.5 and Android API 35 with 50 to 100 data points. The more I added, the smaller the chart space gets (horizontally)
Thanks for help us to know what is the problems that face you. We will make sure to solve this in the next versions ♥️
@KneeNinetySeven That's the same issue I experienced
@KneeNinetySeven @Felix-Kariuki @AndrewAboalhana
You can fetch this library and make a fix in one place inside ChartContent:
val xRegionWidth = (size.width.toDp() / (xAxisData.size - 1).toDp()).toDp() - (textLayoutResult.toDp() / 2)
val xRegionWidth = (size.width.toDp() / xAxisData.size.toDp()).toDp()
@KneeNinetySeven @Felix-Kariuki @AndrewAboalhana You can fetch this library and make a fix in one place inside ChartContent:
val xRegionWidth = (size.width.toDp() / (xAxisData.size - 1).toDp()).toDp() - (textLayoutResult.toDp() / 2)
intoval xRegionWidth = (size.width.toDp() / xAxisData.size.toDp()).toDp()
this worked as charm brother but there is one more problem when we add more then 6 items data in line chart
here is preview
here is code ` @Composable fun LineChartSample() {
val testLineParameters: List
Box(Modifier) { LineChart( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), linesParameters = testLineParameters, isGrid = true, gridColor = TufeeAppTheme.colors.outline, xAxisData = listOf("2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020","2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020"), animateChart = true, showGridWithSpacer = false, yAxisStyle = TextStyle( fontSize = 14.sp, color = Color.Gray, ), xAxisStyle = TextStyle( fontSize = 14.sp, color = Color.Gray, fontWeight = FontWeight.W400 ), yAxisRange = 14, oneLineChart = false, legendPosition = LegendPosition.BOTTOM, gridOrientation = GridOrientation.GRID ) } } `
What The line graph seems to occupy only a 3rd of the screen when i have a line with 10 items
How to replicate
Use these sample values to draw the line graph
val previewLineChart = listOf( 0.0, 300.0, 0.0, 117.0, 120.0, 19.0, 21.0, 4.0, 4510.0, 0.0, )
You'll notice that the line chart only occupies a 3rd of the screen yet if i use a list of points with lesser values the chart seems to occupy full width. example using this values
val previewLineChart = listOf(0.0, 300.0, 0.0, 117.0, 120.0,19.0)