TheCheatsrichter / Gw2_Launchbuddy

Custom launcher generator for the video game Guild Wars 2.
MIT License
201 stars 44 forks source link

v3.1 UITraceBlocker stucks at 80% #393

Closed wiesel111 closed 1 year ago

wiesel111 commented 1 year ago

Per title, all accounts stucks at 80% of the launchbar.


TheCheatsrichter commented 1 year ago

Does this issue actually block the startup of the accounts or is it just that the UIStatus Bar is stuck on 80%? 80% is actually the status the game client should have right before you are able to click the Play button.

Currently downloading the german client of gw2 to test this issue

wiesel111 commented 1 year ago

It blocks the startup of the accounts. So I have to click the "login" button manually. I am using win11, maybe this has an effect on the problem.

ManiakNL commented 1 year ago

I sometimes have this aswell

I need to login, do my thing and shutdown the instance before the launch buddy attempts to start up the next instance.

It only seems to happen once i am starting up multiple instances and during the startup of new instances, i already start using the already started instances (.e.g login character, collect daily reward)

When i do not touch the already started instances the problem does not seem to occur. Perhaps it was something to do with the new simulated click.

Evgenin7 commented 1 year ago

Mine sometimes stuck on 20, have to manually press log in. And the next accounts starts entering only when I close the bugged one.

WolfSabian commented 1 year ago

I haven't had any issues where I can't log in but at times the "Powered by" progression bar appears overtop of other client windows or even doesn't go away despite being fully loaded. In the image i'm attaching the game you see behind it is fully loaded despite the UI saying it's only 40% done doing so. lbui

ManiakNL commented 1 year ago

Tried again today, it really only happens when you start interacting with already loaded accounts. If you just let the launcher do it's thing it does not seem to happen at all.

Stis commented 1 year ago

Same as wiesel111, but on Windows 10. In changelog it is said LB now uses mouse to operate. I see his client is deutsch, mine is french. Could this avoid LB to recognize "Login" button?

EDIT: Just tried to put launcher in English (thanks to a 5GB download then ^^') and it didn't fix the problem.

TheCheatsrichter commented 1 year ago

Currently testing on my end.

If you want to help:

This is a small debug tool from me. If you could place it in your Gw2 folder and then start it a console will pop up. Login until you see the character selection screen then close the game. Please post the whole console output here.

Stis commented 1 year ago

Had to create Gw2ExePath.txt

20/11/2022 19:04:06
Timestamp:0,0827886 45309952 Gw2-64.exe Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,0907677 2064384 ntdll.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,0947576 782336 KERNEL32.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,0977497 2957312 KERNELBASE.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1007419 1691648 USER32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,104732 139264 win32u.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1077237 176128 GDI32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1097188 1110016 gdi32full.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1117134 643072 msvcp_win.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1137087 1048576 ucrtbase.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1157035 712704 ADVAPI32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1176983 647168 msvcrt.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1196931 638976 sechost.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1236833 1200128 RPCRT4.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1256779 438272 WS2_32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1276735 434176 WINTRUST.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,130665 32768 PSAPI.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1326601 1220608 ole32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1406394 3489792 combase.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1456265 839680 OLEAUT32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1496165 7614464 SHELL32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1516114 40960 VERSION.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1536061 81920 WTSAPI32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1546033 159744 WINMM.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1565982 1400832 CRYPT32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1585934 122880 MSACM32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1605882 1724416 gdiplus.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1615856 720896 COMCTL32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1635809 102400 USP10.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1645783 49152 Secur32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1665732 28672 MSIMG32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,168568 155648 winmmbase.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1695654 49152 CRYPTBASE.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1715604 204800 SSPICLI.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1805376 204800 IMM32.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1845269 73728 MSASN1.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2533504 532480 bcryptPrimitives.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2553453 1982464 dbghelp.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2573401 7938048 Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,259335 196608 Wldp.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2613303 708608 SHCORE.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2623277 348160 shlwapi.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2643225 126976 profapi.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2673151 73728 kernel.appcore.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,6373664 159744 bcrypt.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,6403592 1896448 d3d9.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,6433514 192512 dwmapi.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,6453458 647168 uxtheme.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,6483382 1142784 nvldumdx.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,650333 200704 cryptnet.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,6523283 1343488 drvstore.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,6563179 180224 devobj.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,6583133 319488 cfgmgr32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,6603079 118784 imagehlp.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,7321226 98304 CRYPTSP.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,7351163 212992 rsaenh.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,7361126 241664 dxcore.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,7381347 1028096 ddraw.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,7401281 36864 DCIMAN32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,7590542 995328 dxgi.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,7839896 38993920 nvd3dumx.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,8049366 2945024 nvspcap64.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,8895091 208896 ntmarta.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,9113356 143360 gpapi.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,9311772 8712192 NvCamera64.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,9554842 28672 XINPUT9_1_0.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,9827671 53248 HID.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0130267 1785856 WindowsCodecs.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,034853 1363968 d3d11.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0462616 282624 DINPUT8.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0497343 1097728 WINHTTP.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0522144 4575232 D3DCOMPILER_47.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,054695 1384448 inputhost.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0576712 1392640 wintypes.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0596552 991232 CoreMessaging.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0646158 1007616 PROPSYS.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0665998 3530752 CoreUIComponents.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0685845 4210688 d3dcompiler_47_64.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,3211218 626688 webio.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,3231062 434176 mswsock.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,3265786 241664 IPHLPAPI.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,3290586 45056 WINNSI.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,3320347 32768 NSI.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,3340188 827392 DNSAPI.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,3360034 40960 rasadhlp.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,3379875 524288 fwpuclnt.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,3399717 618496 schannel.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,4173561 57032704 nvwgf2umx.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,4198366 86016 mskeyprotect.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,422317 241664 NTASN1.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,4247969 159744 ncrypt.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,426781 155648 ncryptsslp.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,4287663 4620288 Setupapi.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,4312742 7737344 nvapi64.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,4332635 27279360 nvcuda64.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,435739 40960 DPAPI.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,5072705 28672 hook64.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,5092558 716800 clbcatq.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,5122314 94208 napinsp.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,5152079 110592 pnrpnsp.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,5171921 86016 wshbth.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,5188683 118784 NLAapi.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,5203555 73728 winrnr.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:2,6046509 1134592 msctf.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:2,6110997 1019904 textinputframework.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:2,694436 466944 AppHook64_3D7BC748-E211-41FE-AF9B-2BD9105759B5.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:2,694436 2228224 explorerframe.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:2,6949318 704512 TextShaping.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:3,6941063 1253376 CoherentUI64.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:16,0123955 409600 WINSTA.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:16,1681808 1978368 dcomp.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:16,2455701 544768 MMDevApi.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:16,2455701 286720 wdmaud.drv Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:16,2465344 36864 ksuser.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:16,2465344 40960 AVRT.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:16,325902 1581056 AUDIOSES.DLL Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:16,3263979 307200 powrprof.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:16,3263979 73728 UMPDC.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:16,3268942 53248 msacm32.drv Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:16,3273907 45056 midimap.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:16,3278872 81920 resourcepolicyclient.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:21,8578757 712704 mscms.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:21,8578757 69632 ColorAdapterClient.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:21,8583715 188416 USERENV.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:21,8588677 274432 icm32.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:22,0349663 1966080 arcdps_bhud.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:22,0349663 7565312 MessageBus.dll Handle: 1183698
Timestamp:22,0354625 118784 dhcpcsvc.DLL Handle: 1183698
TheCheatsrichter commented 1 year ago

Interesting loaded dlls are completely out of order. Could you give it another try without arcdps?

Stis commented 1 year ago
20/11/2022 19:30:47
Timestamp:0,1426262 45309952 Gw2-64.exe Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1486412 2064384 ntdll.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1525998 782336 KERNEL32.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1535978 2957312 KERNELBASE.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1555915 1691648 USER32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1575863 139264 win32u.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1585837 176128 GDI32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1605786 1110016 gdi32full.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1625732 643072 msvcp_win.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1635707 1048576 ucrtbase.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1665923 712704 ADVAPI32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1685872 647168 msvcrt.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1705524 638976 sechost.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1715497 1200128 RPCRT4.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1745715 438272 WS2_32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1755707 434176 WINTRUST.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,177564 32768 PSAPI.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1785607 40960 VERSION.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1825218 1220608 ole32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1835195 81920 WTSAPI32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1855141 159744 WINMM.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1875377 3489792 combase.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1885371 839680 OLEAUT32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1915266 7614464 SHELL32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1925241 1400832 CRYPT32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1945147 1724416 gdiplus.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1965096 122880 MSACM32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,1985085 720896 COMCTL32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2005031 102400 USP10.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2015027 28672 MSIMG32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2044926 49152 Secur32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2064893 155648 winmmbase.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2084793 49152 CRYPTBASE.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2094758 204800 SSPICLI.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2114712 204800 IMM32.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2154359 73728 MSASN1.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2174307 532480 bcryptPrimitives.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2194252 1982464 dbghelp.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2214203 7938048 Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2234152 196608 Wldp.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,225409 708608 SHCORE.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2264065 348160 shlwapi.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2293983 126976 profapi.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,2323916 73728 kernel.appcore.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,605415 159744 bcrypt.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,6223698 1896448 d3d9.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,6403238 192512 dwmapi.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,6602705 647168 uxtheme.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,6772268 1142784 nvldumdx.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,7600104 200704 cryptnet.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,7829497 118784 imagehlp.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,8028974 98304 CRYPTSP.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,8208501 212992 rsaenh.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,8437906 241664 dxcore.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,8637382 319488 cfgmgr32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,8826886 1028096 ddraw.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,9026366 995328 dxgi.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,9056283 36864 DCIMAN32.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,9086207 1343488 drvstore.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,9096177 180224 devobj.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,9126103 38993920 nvd3dumx.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,9166007 2945024 nvspcap64.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,9195924 208896 ntmarta.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,9924017 143360 gpapi.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:0,9963911 8712192 NvCamera64.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0033728 53248 HID.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0063652 28672 XINPUT9_1_0.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0093572 1785856 WindowsCodecs.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0143447 282624 DINPUT8.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0203289 2502656 d3d11.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0263129 1384448 inputhost.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0322969 1007616 PROPSYS.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0482552 991232 CoreMessaging.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0512472 3530752 CoreUIComponents.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0532425 1392640 wintypes.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0552367 4210688 d3dcompiler_47_64.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0572316 57032704 nvwgf2umx.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0592265 4620288 Setupapi.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0612213 7737344 nvapi64.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,0632158 27279360 nvcuda64.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,1294376 28672 hook64.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,1319778 716800 clbcatq.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,1342512 94208 napinsp.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,1377681 110592 pnrpnsp.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,1397628 86016 wshbth.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,142755 118784 NLAapi.dll Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,1457469 241664 IPHLPAPI.DLL Handle: 0
Timestamp:1,1670736 434176 mswsock.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:1,1690678 827392 DNSAPI.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:1,1690678 32768 NSI.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:1,1710622 73728 winrnr.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:1,1710622 524288 fwpuclnt.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:1,1720602 40960 rasadhlp.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:1,2401884 1134592 msctf.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:1,2401884 1019904 textinputframework.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:1,241187 466944 AppHook64_3D7BC748-E211-41FE-AF9B-2BD9105759B5.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:1,241187 2228224 explorerframe.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:1,2421836 704512 TextShaping.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:2,0586611 1253376 CoherentUI64.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:17,4793872 409600 WINSTA.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:17,7147728 1978368 dcomp.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:17,8693662 544768 MMDevApi.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:17,8693662 286720 wdmaud.drv Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:17,8693662 36864 ksuser.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:17,8713614 40960 AVRT.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:17,8713614 1581056 AUDIOSES.DLL Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:17,8723588 307200 powrprof.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:17,8723588 73728 UMPDC.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:17,8723588 53248 msacm32.drv Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:17,8723588 45056 midimap.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:17,8723588 81920 resourcepolicyclient.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:23,3975864 712704 mscms.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:23,3975864 188416 USERENV.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:23,3986149 69632 ColorAdapterClient.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:23,3986149 274432 icm32.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:23,4758895 7565312 MessageBus.dll Handle: 1645986
Timestamp:23,4758895 118784 dhcpcsvc.DLL Handle: 1645986
TheCheatsrichter commented 1 year ago

Modified the gameclient tracker to support your machine now. Stay tuned for the next release :)

Stis commented 1 year ago

After this GW2 update, it's working. Not launching the game as fast as 3.0.6 but it works, the game launches without needing me to click on Login button.

Stis commented 1 year ago

False alarm. After rebooting the computer, back to not working. :s

TheCheatsrichter commented 1 year ago

3.2.2 made some adaptions, 3.1.0 has not yet implemented them! Take care some third party software (arcdps , blish hud) can cause trouble if its installed in the wrong way. Check the injected software wizard in the 3.2.2 release for help

Stis commented 1 year ago

Funny. Or not. Working with 3.1.0 but not with 3.2.2 this morning. ^^'

TheCheatsrichter commented 1 year ago

After further investigation arcdps and blish hud seem to modify the order in which libraries are loaded into the gw2 gameclient. This messes up the order, which LB uses to determine the state of the game client. I am currently testing on how I could create a workarround without of the need of user input.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

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