TheCheatsrichter / Gw2_Launchbuddy

Custom launcher generator for the video game Guild Wars 2.
MIT License
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Launchbuddy crashes with error message #417

Closed Goldfolk closed 1 year ago

Goldfolk commented 1 year ago

have been using launchbuddy with relatively few problems until yesterday when my last subsidiary account defaulted to the log-in info for my main account. I tried to run launchbuddy to reset the log-in file for this account but it crashes with the following message.

The invocation of the constructor on type 'Gw2_Launchbuddy.MainWindow' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception.

I suspect that the file info for the last account has become corrupted but can't get the program to run to delete that account and reinstall it. Any help appreciated and if it's means deleting all my log-in info and starting again happy to do that if I could figure where that info is stored.

Goldfolk commented 1 year ago

It's OK I found where data was stored and deleted the folder and was able to reinstall launchbuddy