Feature request:
I'd like to use this plugin to save user defaults for an app group and for later use in a today widget extension. Please let me know if this is possible somewhere in the near future or if I have to use this unmaintained plugin or a custom plugin.
Example from apple docs:
// Create and share access to an NSUserDefaults object
NSUserDefaults *mySharedDefaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName: @"com.example.domain.MyShareExtension"];
// Use the shared user defaults object to update the user's account
[mySharedDefaults setObject:theAccountName forKey:@"lastAccountName"];
Feature request: I'd like to use this plugin to save user defaults for an app group and for later use in a today widget extension. Please let me know if this is possible somewhere in the near future or if I have to use this unmaintained plugin or a custom plugin.
Example from apple docs: