TheCodex6824 / ThaumcraftFix

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Tweaks and Improvements to English Lang File #10

Closed TechnoMysterio closed 1 day ago

TechnoMysterio commented 4 days ago

Title. Took me a bit of fiddling and reverting and stuff but I have made lots of changes to the en_us.lang file, and it should show what specific changes I have made now that I've done it properly(?). Feel free to review them, but there's rather a lot so if you don't want to then I don't blame you.

TechnoMysterio commented 2 days ago

Fixed some more wording, and removed unedited sections of the lang file; I left some unedited parts of research entries in just to make it easier to read though.

TheCodex6824 commented 2 days ago

The changes look good, although I would like you to do a couple of things before I merge this to minimize the amount of Azanor's IP contained in the repo that is copied verbatim:

  1. Remove the unedited parts of research entries, leaving only the ones that were changed by you. I know you were trying to make it easier to see the changes, but this won't really work after step 2
  2. Rebase your PR branch on main (make sure to pull it first, you may need to add the remote of this repo to do so), and squash your commits into 1. This will remove the copy of the full TC en_us.lang from your PR, which I don't want to carry in the repo forever.
TechnoMysterio commented 2 days ago

I can do that, it might take me a while though...

TechnoMysterio commented 2 days ago

Right, that should be good to go now, you can have a final read to see if you can spot anything else, or to check if there's anything else dodgy.

TechnoMysterio commented 1 day ago

Fixed up those topys ytops topsy tpyso typos, but I left the US english in there partially because it's the en_us.lang file and not the en_uk.lang file (not that anyone ever makes those outside of Mojang themselves), but also because the book is already written mostly in US english already so I tried to follow that.

Only other thing I can remember is that the hand mirror book entry doesn't match the in-game mechanics (you don't need an already linked mirror to use with it), but for that I dunno whether to change the book entry or check the systems instead.

TheCodex6824 commented 1 day ago

Only other thing I can remember is that the hand mirror book entry doesn't match the in-game mechanics (you don't need an already linked mirror to use with it), but for that I dunno whether to change the book entry or check the systems instead.

I don't think the hand mirrors being able to connect to unlinked mirrors is a problem mechanically - it makes sense that a hand mirror can open a channel to the mirror like normal mirrors can. I'm also already not happy about the destination mirror effectively turning into a chunkloader when accessed, and I don't want to make that worse by also checking another mirror. The only not optimal thing with the hand mirrors connecting to unlinked mirrors is that the starfield display doesn't appear on the unlinked mirror, but I think it would be better to eventually do something about that than changing how the hand mirror works.

Up to you whether you want to change the entry or not, I understand if you're done with research entry writing for now. The rest of the changes look good.