TheCodex6824 / ThaumcraftFix

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Misc Bugs from my comment on SeriousCreepers Thaumic Fixes mod #4

Open Vapaman opened 3 weeks ago

Vapaman commented 3 weeks ago

Focal manipulator:

Editing an already made foci is janky: when you exit the manipulator it removes the pattern.

When making remaking a foci, exiting the manipulator messes up the focus and makes it unusable.

There seems to be a sound that is supposed to play when failing to create a focus. Currently it only plays it in multiplayer for other nearby players that are not using the manipulator.

The Split Trajectory focus effect straight up doesn't work.


The creeper warp effect is buggy as it plays for other nearby players, not the warped player themself.

The overlay when the warpeffect occurs is not implimented/does not play. - I don't know wheter or not this is intentional.

In the rare warp event that removes warp ("You have a moment of clarity." ), the warp event text and the warp removed text are overlayed, making it unreadable.

Research table:

Some research cards don't seem to show up ex. Balance (mentioned in the Thaumonomicon) and Analyze

Shift-clicking things into the table does not work

Additional research categories get automatically their own theory and observation points. This clogs up the research, as the reseach points are rarely if ever used.


Potions from pech trading are messed up. Azanor didn't seen to change the potion IDs from their 1.8 state when porting. This should be pretty easy to fix.

Golem bugs: Golems in general are a bit wonky and inconsistent

Old issue:

A golem with basic hands has a missing texture at the bottom of its hand

TheCodex6824 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for making this list. Going through it:

Focal Manipulator:

  1. Confirmed issue
  2. Confirmed issue when remaking a focus (probably same root cause as first issue). Did not occur when making a new focus with latest TC Fix.
  3. Confirmed, but only in ContainerFocalManipulator (the tile itself is fine)
  4. Confirmed weird stuff is going on


  1. Confirmed in code
  2. Not sure if this is intentional, but you're not the first person to ask for it back, so it's probably coming back
  3. That is unfortunate - going to have to think about how to fix this one


  1. Are you sure they never appear? Some cards require possibly obscure research aids. Balance looks like it should be given from a bookshelf. Analyze looks like it should appear by default, as long as you have at least 1 non-fundamentals category with observation points.
  2. Yes, this is annoying
  3. This is already fixed by this mod

Other - I'm tempted to throw out how those trades are currently handled and make loot tables, but that would be a bit of a nuclear option. Either way, fixing the potions is pretty straightforward.

Golems - this entire feature is pretty much a bug, and I'm probably going to address it in an update after releasing the mod as there is quite a lot to go through...

TheCodex6824 commented 5 days ago

Status so far: the focal manipulator issues should all be fixed. Thank you for mentioning split trajectory especially - although I couldn't get them to be completely broken for me, I did find some issues with how they treated mediums and modifiers like scatter, so hopefully they should work more like people are expecting now. Before, it wouldn't treat the 2 separate "branches" as fully separate, so adding things to one branch could lock things out of the other.