TheCodex6824 / ThaumcraftFix

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Assorted Issues To (Not) Tackle #6

Open TechnoMysterio opened 5 days ago

TechnoMysterio commented 5 days ago

As per previous messages, here is a horribly long list of bugs and tweaks that should probably be looked into:

Research Table and Aids:


Spells and Foci:


That's about all I remembered for now, if I find anymore I'll make sure to flood this issue with additional comments since brevity is for cowards.

TheCodex6824 commented 4 days ago

Thanks for making this list, a lot of these are new bugs / problems so it helps a lot to have them here now :)

TechnoMysterio commented 4 days ago

I am afraid I have more issues, these ones taken from an older list. Some of these may already have been solved, but there are some here that are definitely still a problem:

Art and Visuals:







By the by, I've sent you a few things in DMs that might interest you.