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use python to make website #3

Open gturco opened 9 years ago

gturco commented 9 years ago

Should django be used?!?!?!

danfulop commented 9 years ago

Seems like a good choice! ...esp. since it's meant for database-driven websites.

I found this article (which I haven't yet read) that compares 3 popular python web frameworks: ...maybe it'll help us choose one.

iamciera commented 9 years ago

Cool website @danfulop!

The only thing is, and correct me if i'm wrong @mfcovington, you really wouldn't be using Python as a language too much, you are using a program/compiler written by Python that compiles html/css/javascript content. If your want your end goal to be a website than your project will really end up being html/css/javascript/sql driven, no matter the site compiler.

I would suggest Jekyll as a platform, but i'm biased, it is the only one I have used, so Mike or I could help. The biggest downside to Jekyll though is that the site has to be static, which means you can't have much user interaction with the site. Looks like Django might be able to incorporate some larger projects that require user login ect.

What kind of site do you want to make? No matter what I totally want to be on your team and involved in the project you choose!

mfcovington commented 9 years ago

It's funny. Last night before I saw @gturco's Django suggestion, I was considering making the site I had planned to use Rails for in Django!

@iamciera: I feel like Django, Rails, etc. are like working with a hybrid of multiple languages. Depending on how you build your models, templates, and views, you might use a little or a lot of Python (or Ruby).

danfulop commented 9 years ago

@gturco: Thanks for the vote of confidence! Sounds like a plan! I don't know yet what kind of site I want to make. I definitely want to practice and learn more Python (Ruby would be okay to learn, but it's nowhere near as developed for data science / stats and bioinformatics), and having a database aspect to the website would be an awesome way to learn DBs.

I knew that about Jekyll, though I haven't used it ...static makes it fast to load, though.

I think the main thing for me is that I want to use Python (for any project, a website or anything else), and the other aspects (such as DBs) are nice bonuses.

@mfcovington: Building on what you said, it might be worth it to build a site that needs/uses a lot of Python ...though perhaps that would be somewhat masochistic ...I gather/assume that using more Python/Ruby means that you would do certain "nuts & bolts" aspects yourself rather than utilizing built-in functionality in django or rails, etc.

iamciera commented 9 years ago

Django sounds like a plan! Maybe a good idea would be to start with a small site, with the eventual goal of larger. Maybe small site could be coding collectives?

mfcovington commented 9 years ago

Sounds good. However, I think the site for TCC should be a GH pages site with Jekyll.

iamciera commented 9 years ago

This project subject matter has been combined with other into DjangoSiteforD3Vis repo