I imagine a dialogue to create and edit something like roles, which are coupled with preamble snippets. So for example I could add the role "Waterdeep-Citizen" with the snippet "You know that the local mill has been overrun by killer-dolphins.", but I could also add a role like "Pirate" with the snippet "You talk like a pirate.".
In the unkenny edit dialogue you could then add or remove an arbitrary number of roles and thus create your average waterdeep citizen, your waterdeep pirate, and your generic pirate. The snippets are prepended to the actor-specific preamble.
I imagine a dialogue to create and edit something like roles, which are coupled with preamble snippets. So for example I could add the role "Waterdeep-Citizen" with the snippet "You know that the local mill has been overrun by killer-dolphins.", but I could also add a role like "Pirate" with the snippet "You talk like a pirate.". In the unkenny edit dialogue you could then add or remove an arbitrary number of roles and thus create your average waterdeep citizen, your waterdeep pirate, and your generic pirate. The snippets are prepended to the actor-specific preamble.