TheCommieAxolotl / BetterDiscord-Stuff

BetterDiscord Plugins and Themes
MIT License
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[Bug] Time not displayed on profile without restarting Discord after plugin activation #86

Open Lusiiky opened 3 months ago

Lusiiky commented 3 months ago



What happened?

If I enable the Timezones plugin, the time of a user with a configured timezone will not be displayed on his profile (profile on the right of the messages or right-click profile) without a restart of Discord, even though the time next to the messages is correctly displayed.

What Discord version do you have this issue on?

Stable, PTB (I haven't personally tested it on Canary, but I assume that the problem is also present(?))

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TheCommieAxolotl commented 3 months ago

Can you please test with the latest commit

Lusiiky commented 2 months ago

Can you please test with the latest commit

Unfortunately that doesn't seem to work, Stable or PTB. Re-enabling the plugin doesn't display the timezone on the user's profile, a restart of Discord is still required.

MichaelDavidGK commented 1 month ago
[BetterDiscord] [Patcher] Could not fire after callback of default for Timezones TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'props')
    at Object.eval [as callback] (Timezones.plugin.js:160:35)
    at renderer.js:5:23163
    at h (24321.da5c8b7cd4d46b4820eb.js:1:356518)
    at async c (24321.da5c8b7cd4d46b4820eb.js:1:5216627)
    at async 24321.da5c8b7cd4d46b4820eb.js:1:603446
Lucatir commented 1 month ago

I am using the plugin version 1.1.1 and I do not see the timezone in the user's profile in any situation (checked both the popup and full profile since I forgot which was supposed to show it), but as the original reporter posted, I can see it just fine in their messages.

Just for curiosity, I tried to remove and re-set a timezone for a user and it did not change the outcome.

Lusiiky commented 1 month ago


I am using the plugin version 1.1.1 and I do not see the timezone in the user's profile in any situation (checked both the popup and full profile since I forgot which was supposed to show it), but as the original reporter posted, I can see it just fine in their messages.

Same for me now.

Lucatir commented 4 weeks ago

The Pull Request #94 from @zrodevkaan seems to fix the issue. 👍

zrodevkaan commented 4 weeks ago


Lusiiky commented 4 weeks ago

Hello @TheCommieAxolotl, In PTB at least, the timezoned time does appear in the general profile, but not in the small profile menu to the right of the messages with the person. Thanks!

pinetreemoonlight commented 3 weeks ago

Timezones was working briefly with Timezones 1.1.2 update, but then Discord (main client) pushed out an update, and now timezones do not show again, neither in individual messages, nor in the DM's right-side panel.

MichaelDavidGK commented 3 weeks ago

image image image

It seems to work just fine on 1.1.2, even the msg one (shows msg time in respective timezone) The only place it doesn't show up is DM's right-side panel @TheCommieAxolotl