TheCre8r / WME-BackEnd-Data

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Gas prices on IL server #3

Closed jm6087 closed 3 years ago

jm6087 commented 5 years ago

shmupi wrote: (in forum) Well done !

Gas prices are not getting imported on the IL server , can you please take a look ? Thx, Shmupi

jm6087 commented 5 years ago

My reply to shmupi in the forum:

Thanks, I will pass this on to Ian.

Can you provide a PL for a GS that does not show the prices so he can look into it? Are you seeing the Gas Pump tab? If so, can you provide a screen shot of the gas pump tab and the information you are seeing?

TheCre8r commented 5 years ago

On roadmap for gas station price refactoring.

TheCre8r commented 3 years ago

Can you please verify this has been resolved in the latest version?

jm6087 commented 3 years ago

Verified fixed by Shmupi