Closed Wombii closed 4 years ago
I made a mistake in the diesel knock volume calculation in that file. Here's a working one with volume based on a combination of rpm and load, for the default 3.4 scania setup:
// Calculate throttle dependent Diesel knock volume
//Temp variables are necessary to prevent interrupt from using unconstrained values
int tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume;
int throttleDependentKnockVolume1 = dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage;
int throttleDependentKnockVolume2 = dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage;
int throttleDependentKnockVolume3 = dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage;
if (!escIsBraking && engineRunning)
//First calculate knock based on rpm. More knock at higher rpms.
tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume = map(currentRpm, 250, 400, dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage, 110);
throttleDependentKnockVolume1 = constrain(tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume,dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage, 110);
//Lower knock volume based on throttle input to reduce knock when dropping throttle.
tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume = map(currentThrottle, 0, 450, dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage, 70);
throttleDependentKnockVolume2 = constrain(tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume,dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage, 100);
//Add extra knock based on difference between throttle and speed to simulate more knock when accelerating harder.
tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume = map(currentThrottle-currentSpeed, 0, 500, 100, 500);
throttleDependentKnockVolume3 = constrain(tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume,100, 500);
//Calculate combined knock volume. Multiplying the values ensures knock volume is cut when releasing throttle.
tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume = throttleDependentKnockVolume1 * throttleDependentKnockVolume3 / 100 * throttleDependentKnockVolume2/100;
throttleDependentKnockVolume = constrain(tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume,dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage, 100);
else throttleDependentKnockVolume = dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage;
Thank you for your feedback. I may include it in future versions
While working with my automatic gearbox mod, I started reformatting the throttle calculations (mapThrottle() and engineMassSimulation() ) to make it easier to disable or modify parts of that code. These reformatted sections may or may not be useful to someone else, so I wanted to share it. throttleCalculations.txt
By adding the contents of throttleCalculations.txt to a new tab and doing the following edit in the main tab, everything should work as it does in default version 3.4.
Note that turboOverPressureTrigger2(); contains an edit to more reliably trigger the wastegate sound and volumeCalculation2() contains an edit to change the diesel knock volume by both rpm and load.