TheDIYGuy999 / Rc_Engine_Sound_ESP32

Allows to play vehicle engine sounds on an ESP32. Additional sounds can play in parallel with the engine sound! Controls your lights as well. compatible with SBUS, IBUS, PWM, PPM and SUMD signals.
309 stars 121 forks source link

ideas: edits to wastegate trigger and dieselknock volume #5

Closed Wombii closed 4 years ago

Wombii commented 4 years ago

While working with my automatic gearbox mod, I started reformatting the throttle calculations (mapThrottle() and engineMassSimulation() ) to make it easier to disable or modify parts of that code. These reformatted sections may or may not be useful to someone else, so I wanted to share it. throttleCalculations.txt

By adding the contents of throttleCalculations.txt to a new tab and doing the following edit in the main tab, everything should work as it does in default version 3.4.


    // Map pulsewidth to throttle
    // Simulate engine mass, generate RPM signal


   //Throttle calculations (map, volume and mass)

Note that turboOverPressureTrigger2(); contains an edit to more reliably trigger the wastegate sound and volumeCalculation2() contains an edit to change the diesel knock volume by both rpm and load.

Wombii commented 4 years ago

I made a mistake in the diesel knock volume calculation in that file. Here's a working one with volume based on a combination of rpm and load, for the default 3.4 scania setup:

// Calculate throttle dependent Diesel knock volume
    //Temp variables are necessary to prevent interrupt from using unconstrained values
  int tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume;
  int throttleDependentKnockVolume1 = dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage;
  int throttleDependentKnockVolume2 = dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage;
  int throttleDependentKnockVolume3 = dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage;

  if (!escIsBraking && engineRunning) 
    //First calculate knock based on rpm. More knock at higher rpms.
    tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume = map(currentRpm, 250, 400, dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage, 110);
    throttleDependentKnockVolume1 = constrain(tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume,dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage, 110);

    //Lower knock volume based on throttle input to reduce knock when dropping throttle.
    tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume = map(currentThrottle, 0, 450, dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage, 70);
    throttleDependentKnockVolume2 = constrain(tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume,dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage, 100);

    //Add extra knock based on difference between throttle and speed to simulate more knock when accelerating harder.
    tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume = map(currentThrottle-currentSpeed, 0, 500, 100, 500);
    throttleDependentKnockVolume3 = constrain(tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume,100, 500);

    //Calculate combined knock volume. Multiplying the values ensures knock volume is cut when releasing throttle.
    tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume = throttleDependentKnockVolume1 * throttleDependentKnockVolume3 / 100 * throttleDependentKnockVolume2/100;
    throttleDependentKnockVolume = constrain(tempthrottleDependentKnockVolume,dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage, 100);

  else throttleDependentKnockVolume = dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage;
TheDIYGuy999 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. I may include it in future versions