The situation is that we have required fields, but the evaluated tokens result in an empty " " (space) result, because there was a space between the tokens. The app considers this a valid value (because it's not completely empty) and thus doesn't mark that as missing a required field.
When we mark a field as "required" that should mean that some non-empty whitespace character must exist there.
"" - should be considered empty
" " - should be considered empty
" " - should be considered empty
"0" - should NOT be considered empty
" 0" - should NOT be considered empty
"(anything else here)" - should NOT be considered empty
As you can see from the code change, simply trimming the value should remove the suspect empty space, causing a " " to get converted to "" triggering the existing "Required Field" exception.
Original Ticket/Request:
As you can see from the code change, simply trimming the value should remove the suspect empty space, causing a " " to get converted to "" triggering the existing "Required Field" exception.