I tried to install the package with "pip install -r requirements.txt" but it seems there is a problem with numpy versions which different packages required. for example this error:
The conflict is caused by:
The user requested numpy==1.18.5
arch 5.0.1 depends on numpy>=1.17
h5py 2.10.0 depends on numpy>=1.7
hurst 0.0.5 depends on numpy>=1.10
matrixprofile 1.1.10 depends on numpy>=1.16.2
pandas 1.3.3 depends on numpy>=1.17.3
pmdarima 1.8.2 depends on numpy~=1.19.0
when I tried to fixed the error with another numpy version, I faced with similar errors
![Uploading 19.png…]()
I tried to install the package with "pip install -r requirements.txt" but it seems there is a problem with numpy versions which different packages required. for example this error: The conflict is caused by: The user requested numpy==1.18.5 arch 5.0.1 depends on numpy>=1.17 h5py 2.10.0 depends on numpy>=1.7 hurst 0.0.5 depends on numpy>=1.10 matrixprofile 1.1.10 depends on numpy>=1.16.2 pandas 1.3.3 depends on numpy>=1.17.3 pmdarima 1.8.2 depends on numpy~=1.19.0
when I tried to fixed the error with another numpy version, I faced with similar errors ![Uploading 19.png…]() !