TheDevPath / Navi

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Display place details component full-screen mode WIP/need help #284

Closed turisap closed 6 years ago

turisap commented 6 years ago

Issue Number:


Issue Description:

Developing a component which will represent details of a particular place in full-screen and part-screen modes

Summary of solution:

  1. This is only a full-screen mode almost completely styled.
  2. Passing place_id of a searched place from client/src/components/Search/index.js to this component was made through callbacks and props.

Can this issue be closed?

No, it does not cover the issue completely

Should any new issues be added as a result of this solution?

There are two possible issues:

  1. As we discussed in the issue itself, there probably a need for parsing response from google's API in order to it to be more convenient to use it in the front-end ( I can open it if it's still relevant).
  2. Response from back-end includes photos array which in turn contains objects with properties html_attributions and photo_reference. And, according to place details api docs, there should be another request made to obtain a photo (description under photos[] array), but I probably got it wrong. Simple usage of html_attributions property as src for <img/> didn't work.

I've got a couple of questions again, so can you please answer them?

  1. As I understand, there is no currently a component for getting directions to a particular place? I put kind of a placeholder for that as I don't know what to do there.
  2. I failed to run ESLint, it exits with an error like
ESLint couldn't find the plugin "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11ly". This can happen for a couple different reasons:

1. If ESLint is installed globally, then make sure eslint-plugin-jsx-a11ly is also installed globally. A globally-installed ESLint cannot find a locally-installed plugin.

2. If ESLint is installed locally, then it's likely that the plugin isn't installed correctly. Try reinstalling by running the following:

    npm i eslint-plugin-jsx-a11ly@latest --save-dev

I tried reinstall eslint and the absent plugin and I don't have any of them as global packages, I also deleted node_modules directory and reinstall everything again, with no success. Should I ask about it in their repo?


I don't know why it happened, but there are a lot of commits which don't belong to me in this PR. How can I fix that?

motosharpley commented 6 years ago

@turisap The extra files/commits are the result of pulling from upstream master, We are using the development branch as our default so you should pull from there to update your local copy eg. instead of git pull upstream master use git pull upstream development I checked your repo and your development branch is clean it is just this feature branch that you pulled in the unwanted files (the main difference being the dist folder in the root) so the easiest solution would probably be to just create a new branch from development and copy over your changes then delete this current branch. I can talk you through the options on slack if you need further help.

turisap commented 6 years ago

@motosharpley, thank you for your answer and sorry for this silly thing I've done. I'll try to fix it in the way you suggested.

motosharpley commented 6 years ago

@turisap no worries it is an easy thing to do and it is common for tutorials to tell you to pull from master to update your branch. In addition all those dist files were really just a hack I was using to get the project deployed to production in a time pinch while I finished getting things configured. Now that I have everything set up pulling from master wouldn't cause this problem It was just lucky timing I suppose 😸