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Typo in 1.1. #17

Open ar-qun opened 3 years ago

ar-qun commented 3 years ago

Extra a.

Python doesn’t have an explicit syntax for interfaces, so we will just assume the object we pass implements a the required methods

lgiordani commented 3 years ago

Hi! Sorry, but where did you find this paragraph with the error?

ar-qun commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the late reply:


lgiordani commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I clearly can't search. I asked because I couldn't find it, but clearly I added a typo to the search as well :facepalm: Will fix soon. thanks for notifying me!

ar-qun commented 3 years ago

No worries! If I could search I would've provided a link to the source and a PR :)

ar-qun commented 3 years ago

And thanks for the great book by the way. I am recommending it people :)