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IPv6 support #21

Open tambry opened 6 years ago

tambry commented 6 years ago

The website is inaccessible over IPv6.

Since the site is hosted on GitHub Pages, it should be fixable simply by adding a CNAME record for to

lgiordani commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I'll try to fix it. Any advice on how to it?

tambry commented 6 years ago

Since the site is hosted on GitHub Pages, it should be fixable simply by adding a CNAME record for to

lgiordani commented 5 years ago

Hey sorry I left this unattended for a long time. I can't find any documentation on GitHub pages IPv6 records, do you have any info? I found the discussion where you show that they are running the IPv6 infrastructure but the official documentation still doesn't say anything. I'm managing the DNS with namecheap so adding the AAAA record will be easy once I have the addresses. Thanks!

tambry commented 5 years ago

@lgiordani No problem. The GitHub Pages IPv6 addresses are 2a04:4e42::133, 2a04:4e42:200::133, 2a04:4e42:400::133 and 2a04:4e42:600::133 (add at least 2 of these).
Do note that these won't work if you ever want to enable HTTPS for you GitHub pages site, you'll want to remove them. They unfortunately couldn't be bothered to allocate IPv6 address space to the CDN endpoints that serve HTTPS GitHub Pages sites (for HTTP the IP space belonged to their CDN provider, which always assigns IPv6 addresses, so this wasn't an issue).

lgiordani commented 5 years ago

Thanks, valuable information. The latest version of the GitHub Pages setup, however, doesn't rely on A records anymore, but uses a CNAME. As far as I know CNAME and AAAA cannot be mixed, when attached to the same record, but I might be wrong. Do you have a suggestion? Do you have any idea why theya re not actively supporting IPv6?

tambry commented 5 years ago

@lgiordani They indeed can't be mixed. Just use the A records meant for apex domains and AAAAs with addresses I listed.

Do you have any idea why they are not actively supporting IPv6?

I'd wager a lack of knowledge and fear of changing something so fundamental, or resistance from old-fashioned engineers.
This is demonstrated well by the fact that GitHub Pages used to support IPv6, but they deliberately deactivated it when they added HTTPS support for custom domains. I emailed them and their response was along the lines of "having IPv6 would've broken HTTPS" – which is completely wrong, because I was and am able to manually fetch any GitHub Pages site over IPv6, they just don't have any IPv6 addresses pointing to the new infrastructure capable of serving different certificates for different domains using SNI.

That said, they do have IPv6 space allocated to them and their custom load balancer supports IPv6 (interestingly the tests were recently updated to better test IPv6 support). Hopefully this'll happen in the not too far future, especially now that they're owned by Microsoft.

lgiordani commented 5 years ago

@tambry Thanks for the detailed explanation, I'll update the DNS configuration asap