TheDoudou / homebridge-BoschIndego

HomeBridge HomeKit Plugin for robot mower Bosch Indego
11 stars 4 forks source link

Bosch changed authorization body so plugin doesnt work #4

Open bitraker opened 2 years ago

bitraker commented 2 years ago

Solution is to change post authenticate body to include these (notice the accept_tc_id is new):

{ "accept_tc_id": "202012", "device": "", "os_type": "Windows", "os_version": "11", "dvc_manuf": "unknown", "dvc_type": "unknown" }

Can you update the plugin so it will auth again?


heiq commented 2 years ago

since there is no reaction, (and so the plugin is still not working) can i use your fix at my own? -can i modify a file with these code. Please explain this to us. I think there are some users who dont know why the "[Indego] Error processing received information:" Errors appear in Homebridge log.

bitraker commented 2 years ago

since there is no reaction, (and so the plugin is still not working) can i use your fix at my own? -can i modify a file with these code.

Please explain this to us. I think there are some users who dont know why the "[Indego] Error processing received information:" Errors appear in Homebridge log.

Yes, indeed. I fixed it in my own system.

You will need to add it to the modules index.js file located in: homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-boschindego

Here is the contents of mine (with corrections):

let request = require('request');
require('request').debug = false

let Service, Characteristic;
//let Accessory, hap, UUIDGen;

module.exports = function (homebridge) {

    // Accessory must be created from PlatformAccessory Constructor
    //Accessory = homebridge.platformAccessory;
    //hap = homebridge.hap;
    // Service and Characteristic are from hap-nodejs
    Service = homebridge.hap.Service;
    Characteristic = homebridge.hap.Characteristic;
    //UUIDGen = homebridge.hap.uuid;

    // For platform plugin to be considered as dynamic platform plugin,
    // registerPlatform(pluginName, platformName, constructor, dynamic), dynamic must be true
    homebridge.registerAccessory("homebridge-boschindego", "BoschIndego", BoschIndego);

// Platform constructor
// config may be null
// api may be null if launched from old homebridge version
function BoschIndego(log, config, api) {

    this.log = log; = config["name"]; = config["email"];
    this.pass = config["pass"];
    this.model = config["model"];
    this.auth = new Buffer( + ":" + this.pass).toString("base64");
    this.update_interval = Number(config["update_interval"] || 1200000);

    this.serial = 1;
    this.userId = 0;
    this.contextId = 0;

    this.view_log = config["view_log"];
    this.authed = false;
    this.valueState = 0;
    this.mowerState = false;

    this.log("BoschIndego Init" + this.serial);


BoschIndego.prototype = {

    updateState: function () {
        //Ensure previous call finished
        if (this.waiting_response) {
            if (this.view_log)
                this.log('Avoid updateState as previous response does not arrived yet');            return;
        this.waiting_response = true;

        if (this.authed == false)


        this.log("VALUE " + this.valueState)

        if (this.valueState) {
            // Properly set the return value
            if (this.valueState === 513 || this.valueState === 514 || this.valueState === 515 || this.valueState === 516 || this.valueState === 517 || this.valueState === 518 || this.valueState === 519 || this.valueState === 769 || this.valueState === 770 || this.valueState === 771 || this.valueState === 772 || this.valueState === 773 || this.valueState === 774 || this.valueState === 775 || this.valueState === 776) this.mowerState = true;
            else if (this.valueState === 257 || this.valueState === 258 || this.valueState === 259 || this.valueState === 260 || this.valueState === 261 || this.valueState === 262 || this.valueState === 263) this.mowerState = false;

            // Check if return value is valid
            if (this.mowerState !== true && this.mowerState !== false) {
                if (this.view_log)
                    this.log('Received value is not valid. Keeping last_state: "' + this.last_state + '"');
            } else {
                    .getCharacteristic(Characteristic.MotionDetected).updateValue(this.mowerState, null, "updateState");

                this.switchService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).updateValue(this.mowerState, null, "updateState");

                this.last_state = this.mowerState;

        this.waiting_response = false;

    getState: function (callback) {
        let state = this.last_state;
        let update = !this.waiting_response;
        let sync = this.update_interval === 0;
        if (this.view_log)
            this.log('Call to getState: last_state is "' + state + '", will update state now "' + update + '"');
        if (update) {
        callback(null, state);
    getServices: function () {
        this.informationService = new Service.AccessoryInformation();
            .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Manufacturer, "Bosch")
            .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Model, this.model)
            .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.SerialNumber, this.serial);

        this.motionService = new Service.MotionSensor("Mowing");
            .on('get', this.getState.bind(this));

        this.switchService = new Service.Switch("Mow/Dock");
            .on('get', this.getState.bind(this)) //getter
            .on('set', this.setSwitchOnCharacteristic.bind(this)); //setter

        if (this.update_interval > 0) {
            this.timer = setInterval(this.updateState.bind(this), this.update_interval);        }

        return [this.informationService, this.motionService, this.switchService];
    getSwitchOnCharacteristic: function (next) { //getter
        return next(null, this.last_state);
    setSwitchOnCharacteristic: function (on, next) { //setter
        if (this.last_state) {
            if (this.setMowerState("returnToDock"))
                return next();
        } else {
            if (this.setMowerState("mow"))
                return next();
    setMowerState: function (action) {
        let opt = {}

        if (action == "get") {
            ops = {
                method: "GET",
                uri: '' + this.serial + '/state',
                headers: {
                    'x-im-context-id': ' ' + this.contextId
                timeout: 3000
        } else {
            ops = {
                method: "PUT",
                uri: '' + this.serial + '/state',
                json: { "state": action },
                headers: {
                    'x-im-context-id': ' ' + this.contextId
                timeout: 3000

        //this.log('Requesting motion on "' + ops.uri + '", method ' + ops.method + ', timeout ' + ops.timeout);
        let value = null;
        request(ops, (error, res, body) => {
            if (error) {
                if (this.view_log)
                    this.log('HTTP bad response (' + ops.uri + '): ' + error.message);
            } else if (this.json_response === "") {
                value = body;
                                        if (this.view_log)
                this.log('HTTP successful response: ' + body);
            } else {
                try {
                    value = JSON.parse(body)[this.json_response];
                    let datatest = JSON.parse(body);
                    this.valueState = datatest.state;
                    if (this.view_log)
                        this.log('HTTP successful response state code: ' + this.valueState);
                } catch (parseErr) {
                    if (this.view_log) {
                        this.log('Error processing received information: ' + parseErr.message);
                        this.log('Error processing received information: ' + res.statusCode);
                    error = parseErr;

                    if (res.statusCode == 401)
                        this.authed = false

            this.waiting_response = false;


BoschIndego.prototype.authentication = function () {
    let body = {
        'accept_tc_id': '202012',
        'device': '',
        'os_type': 'Android',
        'os_version': '4.0',
        'dvc_manuf': 'unknown',
        'dvc_type': 'unknown'

    let ops = {
        method: 'POST',
        uri: '',
        body: JSON.stringify(body),
        headers: {
            'Authorization': 'Basic ' + this.auth,
            'content-type': 'application/json'
        timeout: 3000

    request(ops, (error, res, body) => {
        let value = null;
        if (error) {
            this.log('HTTP bad response (' + ops.uri + '): ' + error.message);
        } else {
            try {
                value = JSON.parse(body);

                this.serial = value.alm_sn;
                this.userId = value.userId;
                this.contextId = value.contextId;

                if (this.view_log)
                    this.log('HTTP successful LOGIN');
                this.authed = true;
            catch (parseErr) {
                if (this.view_log) {
                    this.log('Error processing received information login: ' + parseErr.message);
                    this.log('Error processing received information login: ' + res.statusCode);
                    this.log('Error processing received information login: ' + value);
                error = parseErr;

heiq commented 2 years ago

PERFECT!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Indego is running again with siri.. ;-)